
Look at the color skins for Doom3, they are pretty flat..

Which is exactly why they look like plastic, and which is exactly why even Doom3 proves my point! Contrary to the popular believe, it's not the shader (normalmapping/lighting/etc,) making the models look like plastic, it's the lack of good and detailed texturing.

Yes, normalmapping/bumpmapping adds details, however I'm talking about details on the skin level here, not wether or not a nose is more round, but wether or not it's color is right. Normalmapping is to save polygons, but keep the otherwise 3D details. The technique still needs good texture maps and good colored skins.

Search for the Doom3 modification project which is using bigger skin textures and more detail handpainted textures, you'll see what I mean.


PHeMoX, Innervision Software (c) 1995-2008

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