
When I first looked at the pillars I thought they were floating. This has got to do with the floor textures, those stones are tiling under the pillars. In real life, the (floor) stones would stop right in front of the pillars and go around them so to speak. Such pillars go deeper in the ground than just at the floor level.

Since I am creating games I am looking at others professional games with good level design how they handle this Problem. Now be suprised alot of them donīt care about it. And I personally never saw this, because if I am playing a game I usually donīt care about such details. I also found out, that if I use the free camera mode where you can fly around in the levels, some parts look "bad" if you see them from far away and concentrate on them. Ingame you think damn this looks fantastic. I will see if I can make some screenshots of what I mean.

I know that NOLF and STEF2 used some "TGAs" to hide some borders, but I think they did it because the contrast at the borders were very high because the levels were made out of models. IF you have a good lightmap on the level, the hard contrast between the borders isnīt visible while playing.
