lol, sounds like the time and distance could be the reason (not really). The lights more far away spread the light earlier but are more far away, so the light needs longer to get to the person standing and watching there, and so the closer lights are seen first even if they flash later
But since light has no speed on earth because its so freakin fast this can´t be the reason.

So maybe the light is getting reflected by the hot gas and particles which came out of the plane while landing. So we get a fata-morgana on the airport. And since fata morganas are mirrored the light the most far away and the closest get switched their positions.

Or 3.) The brain is still thinking the light goes away, even if the eyes see something different the brain is too lazy to correct that and uses as always the short before saved memory.

Last edited by EX Citer; 10/24/06 13:00.