I donīt think lifeforms see in pictures. If something moves very fast we see a blurred mix of endless sequences. Very simple example, if you watch out of the driving train you donīt see every third bush, you see a smeared green line. Or a rotating picture with black and white stripes gets, grey, acutally it doesnt gets grey it gets colorfull, but thatīs still not a single picture, but a mix of endless pictures.

By the way, semimodern video games, have the choice to play them with 50Hz or 60Hz. And with 60Hz it looks indeed more realistic. My teacher always says 30 frames are enough for a prerendered movie, but I think that's is so wrong because we see the interpolated frames as well. The motion blur. I mean if something moves with 60 frames per second in on 1/6second from left outside of the screen to right outside of the screen we should recognize something hushing from left to right. With 30 frames the movement from left to right has interuptions and should be less visible. Yeah itīs moving the same fast, but with bigger interuptions the object should be more invisible.

Itīs like watching somethign when a stroboskob is on isnīt as easy as without stroboskob.
