
To me, that sounds as if your configuration were perfectly okay... well, not perfect maybe, but it should pretty well do the job.
Since FPS only drop when looking at the guards, it seems to be a problem related to entities somewhat. Could you probably post the different rendering stats as shown on the debug panel when looking at the guard models?
I'd especially be interested in the "ref" value...

Well I would post some shots of The Debug Panel..
but I dont have Webspace anymore.
Know any good free ones?

You may be on to something with the entities bit..
Dont know? Having Levels with no Models seems
to do ok but When I start adding in the Extras
somewhere between 3 and 5 models
( regarless of Models size or poly count )
The FPS does indeed drop at least when looking at them.

If you can point me to a good free Web hosting.
I'll post some screens.

I would definatly appreciate it if somwonme can
help me get to the bottom of this

*** Teutonic Darkness ***