
Cool i addded you. im on now are you? Anyways i need to learn the basics like wlaking and all.

Pick up your left foot. Place it a foot ahead of your right foot. Then pick up your right foot and place it a foot ahead of your left foot. Start over. Continue until you arrive at your destination.

Just kidding.

Seriously, look through the AUMs for tutorials. Download the manual and follow that tutorial. These both will give you a start. Study the codes in the template scripts and try to understand how they work. Experiment with C-Script for a while. I was where you are now four years ago. Trust me, all of this will come together eventually.

My site Click on my games. I just want to say that if you stick with 3dgs and play around with C-Script and work on tutorials, eventually you'll be able to make games like these. (Both are WIP)

"Oh no, it's true! I'm a love magnet!" Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes My name's Anonymous_Alcoholic.