OK, i have problems, i am not an expert with c++, i preffer using free pascal, but thats not the point!
I have tried many times to get:

1. when p_vehicle(players car) hits in my script passes thru the object, game should instantly close!

2. and this will be like request, can you programm, for newton a script, when i with p_vehicle drive in the garage, on top of the screen will show messege, for 10 seconds, and then game will close, or will be reseted to menu!

Ok sorry for my terrible english Thanks for reading, and responding to my topic!

UPS! Forgot my script!

 action special_entity

//while (p_vehicle == null) {wait (1);} // wait until the player is created
while (1)

if (p_vehicle.x = my.x) // the player has come close to the door

wait (1);


Last edited by HackerL; 10/31/06 16:51.

Now i am working on game NISSAN CHALLENGE! My home page is http://raivucis.ilva.lv