Hello community,

as some may know I'm writing a plug-in for the acknex engine.
It will add network functions to the c-script language.
Today it want to make the first test in the internet, so I'm in
need of some testers. Please download the program and give it a try.
It's a little chatting program. (see readme.txt).

Download Net.exe

The client as well as the server are written with cscript. They use my
A6Net.dll found in plugins. The dllfunctions are defined in net.h.

Now try to connect to:

IP: --.--.--.--
Port: 60000

The server is running on my pc. So the server will not always be accessible.
Further the server has only 10 slots. So if no slot is available, you get a connection failed error.

I would be very happy if someone could set up a 24/7 server.

To run a server simply double-click the server.bat. You can try my app also
on LAN.

Have fun.

The server worked well without any serious bugs. There were some cscript bugs, but they are only minor. I had some chat with Epsilon and nsf24.
In the next weeks I will add sending vars/arrays and implent an entity
managment system.
Thanks to all who tried it.

Last edited by FRAJO; 11/02/06 14:36.

------------------------------------------- ICQ: 242543712 Ich bin nicht hier und bin nicht da. Wo bin ich dann? ".." ("") ^ ^ This is the evil vampire bunny. Copy and paste him into your signiture to help him achieve world domination. Yeah