
Can you stop milking this tired series please?

These games you make are incredibly annoying, it seems you dont put enough time trying to flesh out every aspect of the game. The keyword is "seems" because I know your going to tell me you worked so hard on this, and thats wonderful. But the impression is that you just keep slapping on unoriginal models and sound effects with the same "engine", and keep trying to sell this game. Im glad you are getting sales, but I dont see why.

People keep trying to tell you how to improve your game but you insist on trying to offer some excuse, such as no money or how only "YOU" like it and "thats the only thing that matters." If the game only matters to you, then dont bother selling it or putting it on these forums. These members offering critiques ARE your customers, and they dont have to be game developers to offer suggestions. My aunt can tell when a game is bad or good, and she dosent know a thing about game development.

You should spend a massive amount of time just on the sprites, trying to perfect them. Dont be so quick to be satisfied by your initial work:

The explosions as said before need lots of work. The explosions are the "in the moment" reward for destroying these ships. Having just a sprite increase in scale does no justice to the craft, and no visually impressive award for the players. Use multiple sprite objects to fill out the volume of the explosions, put in sparks, flying debris, after smoke. In one of your movies I had seen a large mothercraft explode in just one sprite, this totally ruined the grandeur of the ship, and the act of seeing it taken down.

Your projectile sprites dont look like projectiles, mainly because they are static looking, non-areodynamic flying billboards. If you want to shoot electricity, you dont make a horizontally wide sprite that follows the camera, but you put the electricity in the shape of an orb/sphere shape. These types of shapes look better in fast motion (think of sonic when he runs fast and turns into a ball, a bullet in saving private ryan is an elongated yellow beam, etc)

What I did like was the whole commotion of the environment. I had seen beams come from behind tree lines and this added to the whole war atmosphere. Non scripted NPC's battling each other give the player a sense that he is in a moving and fighting world without his direct influence (this is in a non-multiplayer world I assume)

You're not as unique as you think you are, try again.