The video's are complety uploaded now. Sometimes the ships do break up. But You can't control when it happens sometimes the animations don't play all the way through.

I geuss it's kind of like an reward in gameplay if you get the big ships to break up because they swing at you when this happens and the splinters come right at you but you can't control the explosions.

Software I used I had corel draw I just had to find it. I used some particles that I found in easy particles 3. I used Milkshape 3d to make a plane flat model for the weapons. Then went into Med to place the skins on the model copy the model and reversed it one side.

I edit material in Med made copies of the models to make up muiltiple shots. For muiltable color sprites I just Merged the other plasma models together to make new muiltable weapon shot.

Used the same Models for explosions just put new Flash.Tga I used 5 Flash skins 5 models with Particels found in Easy Particels 3 Stretched the models copied them and I made criss cross models to make the explosions show all sides when they expload.

Flash1.Mdl is flat because it is suposed to make up a ring like explosion.

Went into weapons00FX.wdl in notepad and changed Flash.Tga files to Flash1.Mdl through Flash5.Mdl where it talks about explosions.

Last edited by Kenneth J. Williams; 11/13/06 20:04.