I'm sorry everyone's having trouble loading the pictures!

I even had the same problem, but putting a ? at the end of the address makes it work for me.

(you could also go to my DeviantArt site http://kamiomi.deviantart.com/ and find them on there)

I know the terrain is kind of low-res - it's one 2048x2048 image for the entire area... I thought about using a multi-texture shader, but I tried one out and couldn't get it to work, and decided to just stay away from shaders for this project.

I think five minutes into the game, once you're gathering resources and building stuff, you'll forget about the terrain texture (at least I hope so). I'm trying to get all the graphics to sort of look integrated, in the same relatively low-res style.

The trees and bushes, as I said, are from terminal26.com - and I added the fall and winter skins. The grass is from Loopix - but I changed it from 512x512 to 128x128 - and added a tan skin.

I don't have screens of buildings yet, because... the building process is still underway (programming is almost done on that part) - and there are only about 10 buildings skinned so far, I've got another 60 or so that are not skinned yet so... that'll be a while.

(Unfortunately, they're not built with different graphics for stages of construction, like Age of Empires or whatever - it's just either built or not built -- with a progress bar)

The player will be doing most of the work, although, there might be some implied assistance, no actual NPC characters running around -- although there will also be a town off the map, the player can visit to buy or trade resources.

There will also be animals - MAYBE horse riding/cart pulling, but certainly at least animals standing/walking around.

It's not really building a "city" alone, it's more like building an advanced farm and/or industrial manufacturing facility (at least what was available in the 1800's).

I'll see about getting a couple more buildings in there, and showing off a little more of the activity of the game (although most of that is menu-based anyway)... I'm not sure about videos though.

That's why this is in Showcase I and not Showcase II though, because, it's way unfinished.

The HUD is based on the design of an 1800's barometer - but I put compasses instead of barometer dials (the two compasses are for the player's direction, and the camera's direction since you can move them independently - from OrangeBrat's 3rd person camera script).