These are the situations that I would like to be helped to be coded.

1.) AI is walking along a path and in the middle of an edge encounters the player. It can go into chase-evade-shoot state. When it goes into an evade state it should be able to run back, say in a narrow hall all the way back. Where it might come to a decision node with multiple edges and parents. There might be certain things along different routes that might be of immediate use for the AI. Say an alarm, a helth pack, a box to hide behind etc. These can be any where from the node to edgeds or in a parent route. He should be able to walk freely on any edge and find its way.

2.) How would an AI be walking a path back and forth on a forked path.

In both ways paths, nodes point to each other. And I have not been able to even walk my AI on a single open path with many nodes. Perhaps a simple script, where an AI walks between say A-B-C-D-E and then E-D-C-B-A would be great to solve my problem. I would then store no of parents and childs in variables.

So I count on you to help me.

My Specialities Limited.