I am somewhat unfamiliar with the newer path instructions.
Although there may be much better ways, if you have simple linear path, which isn't in a loop and you just want the entity to walk the path in numerical node order:
(These are just untested, inadequate, flawed '5 min examples'. They may not be helpful.)

define _node, skill22;
define _nodeDir, skill23;
define _nodePrev, skill24;
define _nodeCount, skill25;

define pathScanRange, 1000;
define nodeHitDist, 3;
define relMoveSpeed, 5;

var temp2[3];

action aPathWalker0 {
path_scan(me, my.x, my.pan, vector(360, 180, pathScanRange);
my._node = 1;
// find the closest node(added as an example only;
// path_scan already returns the closest node)
// count the nodes (just an example; not really used)
var dist0; dist0 = 99999;
var dist1; dist1 = 0;
var node0; node0 = 1;
while(path_getnode(me, my._node, temp, null)) {
my._node += 1;
dist1 = vec_dist(my.x, temp);
if (dist1 < dist0) {
dist0 = dist1;
node0 = my._node;
my._nodeCount = my._node - 1;
if (my._nodeCount <= 1) { return; } // only for greater than 1 node
my._node = node0; //the closest node
my._nodeDir = 1; //default to +1 walking
my._nodePrev = 0;
while(me != null) {
if (path_getnode(me, my._node, temp, null)) {
} else {//over step
my._nodeDir = 0 - my._nodeDir; //reverse nodeDir
my._node += my._nodeDir * 2;
path_getnode(me, my._node, temp, null);
temp.z = my.z;
if (vec_dist(temp, my.x) <= nodeHitDist) {
my._nodePrev = my._node;
my._node += my._nodeDir;
} else {
vec_sub(temp, my.x);
vec_set(temp2, temp);
vec_angle(temp, temp);
temp.pan = ang(temp.pan - my.pan); temp.tilt = 0; temp.roll = 0;
c_rotate(me, temp, ignore_passable);
//The following 'cap' technique may only be valid for forward relative movement.
temp.x = min(relMoveSpeed * time, vec_length(temp2));
temp.y = 0; temp.z = 0;
c_move(me, temp, nullvector, ignore_passable);
nodeGetEdges(_ent, _node)
var nodeEdges[10];
var nodeEdgeCount;
var nodeGetEdgesOverflow = 0;
function nodeGetEdges(_ent, _node) {
nodeGetEdgesOverflow = 0;
nodeEdgeCount = 0;
var node0; node0 = 0;
while(1) {
node0 = path_nextnode(_ent, _node, nodeEdgeCount + 1);
if (node0 == 0) { break; }
if (nodeEdgeCount >= 10) { nodeGetEdgesOverflow = 1; break; }
nodeEdges[nodeEdgeCount] = node0;
nodeEdgeCount += 1;
return nodeEdgeCount;

Weak, flawed, work-in-progress example of directing an entity from one node to another on a non-linear path using a breadth-first search algorithm:
*[ + ] [ - ] keys (not numpad): zoom camera
*click destination node with mouse; start node is closest node to entity (arrow)
*the original tutorial (my code is not a copy, but is instead, probably a weaker derivative created from scratch)
*_0b.wdl (an outdated debugging script file)
Applications: none; it's completely useless