
" the developers are pretty stupid to release engine demos which dont show the full potential of the engine..."

oh, right, the a6 techdemo is on one level with UT 2007. blind?

i don't know if it's my glasses, or the fact that i have seen it in motion and worked with it, but the graphics output of this engine is -at least for me- not comparable with anything -and i include shpere engine here too- that has been made concerning fps games with a6. i only refer to the graphics output of an fps level, cubeII is weak in programming and outdoor areas.


I'd say these sauerbraten screenshots aren't that impressive at all.

well. maybe you lost the realtion here. let's compare doom3-commercial, cubeII-barebone, and a6 with the premier graphics plugin.

for the doom3 shots, look at the ground texture and tellme what you think about resolution and effects. look at the left wall and tell me how outdated it is. sure, for someone who's referring to UT 2007 engine, this is all stuff from the last decade.

for all fanboys, i am NOT saying cubeII is BETTER than a6. understood? fine.