Playing video

Posted By: Templar

Playing video - 03/27/05 04:05


I have some problems when trying to play a video with media_play. When I use the media player to play it, it looks nice and runs really smooth. When I play the same file with media_play in A6, the quality is worse and it plays jerky. I think that the engine plays the files basicaly the same way media player does so why the difference?
Posted By: Yulor

Re: Playing video - 03/27/05 04:55

can you paste in your code? then we can help you more.
Posted By: Templar

Re: Playing video - 03/27/05 06:11

thanx Yulor, but it's not about the code.

Lets say I have 640x480 "intro.avi" and play it in media player fullscreen. It plays smoothly and looks fine.

When I do this (and have higher resolution than 640x480)


the quality is much worse and jerks appear, because the cpu can't handle the bitrate. The strange thing is that it obviously can when played in media player (and the bitrate is really low - say 2500kbps).

I remember JCL said something like "files played by media_play are actualy just handed over to DX" (that's the reason why you can't have them in resource) - so I wouldn't expect media player to behave differently from the engine.
Posted By: FeiHongJr

Re: Playing video - 04/05/05 10:12

i would think the problem is that the video is being projected full screen and its only 640x480 open a picture file thats 640x480 then blow it up to full screen it becomes pixelated. I would think the same thing is happening here. try to make the video a higher resolution or the same as your screen size. I havent had any problems playing movie files. When you run your game at 640x480 does it look messed up? if no then that is most likley your problem.
Posted By: wendy

Re: Playing video - 06/05/05 14:03

I have 700MHz PC with 32MB video card and i had the same problem when i tried to play a video in my game, but i have found that reducing fps_max helps alot.
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