server controls client, client doesn't do anything

Posted By: mpdeveloper_B

server controls client, client doesn't do anything - 07/25/06 16:33

ok when i start a -sv -cl session, the controls are fine, you move around and fire and such, but as soon as a client starts (-cl) then we have a problem, the client's camera is wrong, it will not position itself where it should be, also the client can't fire, or move. The server on the other hand is doing most of the acting, but in a wrong way; first it controls the clients moving, and firing, but it controls it's own camera movement and all. i will post camera, multiplayer, actions, and movement/firing.

Skills used:

define health , skill1;
define ammo, skill2;
define ammo1_reserve, skill9;
define ammo2_reserve, skill10;
define ammo3_reserve, skill11;
define ammo1_used, skill12;
define ammo2_used, skill13;
define ammo3_used, skill14;
define energy_weap_used, skill15;
define walk_speed, skill3;
define back_speed, skill4;
define strafe_speed, skill5;
define evade_speed, skill6;
define boost_speed, skill7;
define fall_speed, skill8;
define fast_mech, flag1;
define balanced_mech, flag2;
define heavy_mech, flag3;
define fire_time, skill16; //firing speed of weapon
define weapon_num, skill17; //number of the weapon
define animate_cgun, skill23;

The player actions:

action player_serv
my.heavy_mech = on;
my.scale_x = .5;
my.scale_y = .5;
my.scale_z = .5;
my.fat = on;
my.polygon = on;
if (my.fast_mech == on)
{ = 500;//health for heavy mech
my.walk_speed = 35; //walk speed for heavy mech
my.back_speed = 30; //backpedal speed for heavy mech
my.strafe_speed = 30; //strafing speed for heavy mech
my.evade_speed = 100; //evade speed for heavy mech
my.boost_speed = 90; //boosting speed for heavy mech
my.fall_speed = 25; //fall speed for heavy mech

if (my.balanced_mech == on)
{ = 700; //health for balanced mech
my.walk_speed = 25; //walk speed for balanced mech
my.back_speed = 20; //backpedal speed for balanced mech
my.strafe_speed = 20; //strafing speed for balanced mech
my.evade_speed = 85; //evade speed for balanced mech
my.boost_speed = 75; //boosting speed for balanced mech
my.fall_speed = 35; //fall speed for balanced mech

if (my.heavy_mech == on)
{ = 900; //health for heavy mech
my.walk_speed = 15; //walk speed for heavy mech
my.back_speed = 15; //backpedal speed for heavy mech
my.strafe_speed = 15; //strafing speed for heavy mech
my.evade_speed = 70; //evade speed for heavy mech
my.boost_speed = 60; //boosting speed for heavy mech
my.fall_speed = 45; //fall speed for heavy mech
hov_mecha_fire(); //include the heavy mech firing function
ent_create ("block.mdl", vector(my.x + 100, my.y, my.z + 100), dyn_light);

action player_client
my.scale_x = .5;
my.scale_y = .5;
my.scale_z = .5;
my.enable_scan = on;
my.event = miss_track_event;
my.fat = on;
my.polygon = on;
if (my.fast_mech == on)
{ = 500;//health for heavy mech
my.walk_speed = 35; //walk speed for heavy mech
my.back_speed = 30; //backpedal speed for heavy mech
my.strafe_speed = 30; //strafing speed for heavy mech
my.evade_speed = 100; //evade speed for heavy mech
my.boost_speed = 90; //boosting speed for heavy mech
my.fall_speed = 25; //fall speed for heavy mech

if (my.balanced_mech == on)
{ = 700; //health for balanced mech
my.walk_speed = 25; //walk speed for balanced mech
my.back_speed = 20; //backpedal speed for balanced mech
my.strafe_speed = 20; //strafing speed for balanced mech
my.evade_speed = 85; //evade speed for balanced mech
my.boost_speed = 75; //boosting speed for balanced mech
my.fall_speed = 35; //fall speed for balanced mech

if (my.heavy_mech == on)
{ = 900; //health for heavy mech
my.walk_speed = 15; //walk speed for heavy mech
my.back_speed = 15; //backpedal speed for heavy mech
my.strafe_speed = 15; //strafing speed for heavy mech
my.evade_speed = 70; //evade speed for heavy mech
my.boost_speed = 60; //boosting speed for heavy mech
my.fall_speed = 45; //fall speed for heavy mech
hov_mecha_fire(); //include the heavy mech firing function
ent_create ("block.mdl", vector(my.x + 100, my.y, my.z + 100), dyn_light);

Firing and movement:

function hov_mecha_fire()
while (my != null)
my.fire_time += 0.1 *time;
if (my.weapon_num == 0)
if (fire_key && my.ammo > 0)
speed_up = 1;
slow_down = 0;
if (my.fire_time > .2 && my.animate_cgun > 15)
my.ammo1_used += 1;
my.fire_time = 0;
slow_down = 1;
speed_up = 0;
if (my.weapon_num != 0)
slow_down = 1;
speed_up = 0;

if (my.weapon_num == 1)
if (fire_key && my.ammo > 20)
if (my.fire_time > 1)
my.energy_weap_used = on;
my.ammo2_used += 20;
my.fire_time = 0;
if (fire_key == off)
my.energy_weap_used = off;

if (my.weapon_num == 2)
if (fire_key && my.ammo > 0)
if (my.fire_time > 0.7)
my.ammo3_used += 2;
my.fire_time = 0;
if (alt_fire_key && my.ammo > 0)
if (my.fire_time > 2)
my.ammo2_used -= 6;
my.fire_time = 0;

function movement_func()
while (player != null)
ent_cycle ("idle", my.idle_percent);
move_mode = ignore_passents;

if (my.evade_fwd == off || my.evade_back == off || my.evade_left == off || my.evade_right == off)
my.cut_off_evade = 0;
if (walk_key == on) //walk forward
ent_cycle ("walk", my.walk_percent);
my.walk_percent += 3 *time;
ent_move (vector (my.walk_speed *time,0,0),nullvector);

if (my.evade_fwd) //if it's double tapped, evade
my.use_energy = 1;
while (my.cut_off_evade < 6 && > 0)
my.cut_off_evade += 1 *time; -= 8 *time;
ent_move (vector (my.evade_speed *time,0,0),nullvector);

if (backpedal_key == on) //walk backward
ent_move (vector (- my.back_speed *time,0,0),nullvector);

if (my.evade_back == on) //if it's double tapped, evade
my.use_energy = 1;
while (my.cut_off_evade < 6 && > 0)
my.cut_off_evade += 1 *time; -= 8 *time;
ent_move (vector (- my.evade_speed *time,0,0),nullvector);

if (lstrafe_key == on) //strafe left
ent_move (vector (0,my.strafe_speed *time,0),nullvector);
/*my.strafe_percent += 3 *time;
ent_animate (my, "s_left" , my.strafe_percent, 0);*/

if (my.evade_left == on) //if it's double tapped, evade
my.use_energy = 1;
while (my.cut_off_evade < 6 && > 0)
my.cut_off_evade += 1 *time; -= 8 *time;
ent_move (vector (0,my.evade_speed *time,0),nullvector);

if (rstrafe_key == on) //strafe right
move_mode = ignore_passents;
ent_move (vector (0,- my.strafe_speed *time,0),nullvector);
/*my.strafe_percent += 3 *time;
ent_animate (my, "s_right" , my.strafe_percent, 0);*/

if (my.evade_right == on) //if it's double tapped, evade
my.use_energy = 1;
while (my.cut_off_evade < 6 && > 0)
my.cut_off_evade += 1 *time; -= 8 *time;
ent_move (vector (0,- my.evade_speed *time,0),nullvector);

my.tilt = 0;
my.roll = 0;

if (jump_key == on) //boost and drain energy
if ( > 0)
my.use_energy = 1; -= 5 *time;
c_move (my, vector (0,0, my.boost_speed *time), nullvector, glide + ignore_passable);

my.use_energy = 0;

ent_move (vector (0,0, -my.fall_speed *time), nullvector);
c_trace(my.x, vector(my.x, my.y, my.z -500),ignore_me|ignore_passable|ignore_sprites);
if((normal.x != 0) || (normal.y != 0))
temp.tilt = 0;
temp.roll = 0;
temp.pan = -my.pan;
vec_rotate(normal, temp);
temp.tilt = -asin(normal.x);
temp.roll = -asin(normal.y);
my.tilt += 0.2*ang(temp.tilt - my.tilt);
my.roll += 0.2*ang(temp.roll - my.roll);


// needed functions ///////////////////////////
function init_cameras()
camera.size_x = screen_size.x;
camera.size_y = screen_size.y; //make the 1st person camera the size of the screen
camera.genius = player; //the 1st person camera follows the player
camera.visible = on; //make first person the default camera
while (1)
wait (1);
} //contiually update the views

function camera_trace()
my.skill42 = camera_distance;
trace_mode = ignore_me + ignore_passable;
vec_set(temporary_distance.x, camera.x);
temporary_distance.z -= 50 * time;
distance_traced = c_trace(my.x, temporary_distance.x, use_box);
if (distance_traced == 0) // Nothing in the way?
if (camera_distance < my.skill42)
camera_distance += 1 * time;
distance_traced -= 5 * time;
camera.x = my.x - distance_traced * cos(camera.pan); // place the camera behind the player
camera.y = my.y - distance_traced * sin(camera.pan); // at the new distance given by distance_traced

function update_views()
my.pan -= mouse_force.x * mouse_speed_x * time; //change the players pan with the mouse
//first person cam values
if (cam_mode == 0)
hud.alpha = 25;
hud.overlay = on;
hud.visible = on;
chaingun.visible = on;
laz_gun.visible = on;
camera.x = my.x;
camera.y = my.y;
camera.z = my.z + eye_height;
camera.pan = my.pan;
camera.roll = my.roll;
my.visible = off;
if (invert_mouse == 0)
camera.tilt = clamp ((camera.tilt + mouse_force.y *mouse_speed_y), -23, 45);
camera.tilt = clamp ((camera.tilt - mouse_force.y *mouse_speed_y), -23, 45);

//3rd person cam values
hud.visible = off;
chaingun.visible = off;
laz_gun.visible = off; //make guns invisible
cam_dist = cos (tilt_3rd) * cam_dist_total;
camera.x = my.x - cos (my.pan) * cam_dist;
camera.y = my.y - sin (my.pan) * cam_dist;
camera.z = my.z + cam_3rd_height - cos (cam_dist_total);
camera.pan = my.pan; //camera only follows the player
camera.roll = my.roll; //do not include camera rolling
my.visible = on;
if (invert_mouse == 0)
{ //do not invert the camera tilt and clamp it to a certain angle
camera.tilt = clamp ((camera.tilt + mouse_force.y *mouse_speed_y), -23, 45) - tilt_3rd;
{ //invert the camera tilt and clamp it to a certain angle
camera.tilt = clamp ((camera.tilt - mouse_force.y *mouse_speed_y), -23, 45) - tilt_3rd;

Posted By: Dutchie666

Re: server controls client, client doesn't do anything - 07/25/06 16:49

all entitys(unless you create them via ent_createlocal) are handled server side.
you if you start an entity and start the input functions from within the entity, only the server will send the input.
so what you must do is in the function main or something is to start a function wich gets the input, than sends it to his own player(player must be made by: player = ent_create(etc) via send_skill...
Posted By: mpdeveloper_B

Re: server controls client, client doesn't do anyt - 07/26/06 20:44

how do i send the functions? i already have a ent_create for the server and client, does this mean that for the server i should call ent_create, and for the client i need to call ent_createlocal?

btw as shown above the functions are called within the player action, is this okay?
Posted By: Dutchie666

Re: server controls client, client doesn't do anyt - 07/26/06 20:50

not that is not okay..

you must do something like this:

function main(){here your stuff...

player = ent_create("yourmodel.mdl",spawnpoint,player_client);

in input player you must set skills of YOUR player.
so something like this:
function input_player(){
player.skill1 = 1;
player.skill1=0; // reset is so we won't input it if we don't press w

and then check in the player function if skill1 is 1 and then let him walk...
Posted By: mpdeveloper_B

Re: server controls client, client doesn't do anyt - 07/26/06 21:09

so basically what i have to do is change my above code where everything is my.this, into player.this ? and instead of using ent_createlocal i have to change it to ent_create?
Posted By: mpdeveloper_B

Re: server controls client, client doesn't do anyt - 07/26/06 21:24


function spawn_ent_multi()

if (connection == 0)
player = ent_create (mecha01,pos,player_serv); //if you are the server, set you up as server
if (connection == 3)
player = ent_create (mecha01,pos,player_serv); //if you are the server, set you up as server
if (connection == 2)
player = ent_create (mecha01,pos,player_client); //if you are a client, set you up as a client
hov_mecha_fire(); //include the heavy mech firing function

this is my entity creation how should i change this and the code in the first post? btw: this function is called in main()
Posted By: Dutchie666

Re: server controls client, client doesn't do anyt - 07/26/06 21:47

what i should do is get the inputs in 1 function. from that function you send the skills wich are changed by that input to the server... than the player action checks if a skill is 1 and than handles the movement.
what you do now is handle the movement from the same script as where you get the input, etc...
and also what i should do i put the nosend_frame to on in the player action. and than with proc_local i should run a function wich checks wich animation you must run. and than run that animation

the camera you must keep how it is now.

i guess you have to rewrtie many of your code to work good for multiplayer...
Posted By: mpdeveloper_B

Re: server controls client, client doesn't do anyt - 07/27/06 02:47

that is not how my skills are set up, look in the first post, the movements (walk_speed) etc are set up to send a certain number to the c_move and ent_move commands. when i use ent_create on the server, it's fine, when i use it on the client, then the server and client fight each other for owner ship of the functions. i want to know how to send the functions (movement_func, hov_mecha_fire, etc) to each player individualy. i've tried using proc_local and proc_client, but it will not send them properly, how can i fix this?
Posted By: mpdeveloper_B

Re: server controls client, client doesn't do anyt - 07/31/06 16:01


function main(){here your stuff...

player = ent_create("yourmodel.mdl",spawnpoint,player_client);

in input player you must set skills of YOUR player.
so something like this:
function input_player(){
player.skill1 = 1;
player.skill1=0; // reset is so we won't input it if we don't press w

and then check in the player function if skill1 is 1 and then let him walk...

okay i understand this post now, so should i do the same with the functions? should i:

proc_client (func_name);

and what about vars?
Posted By: mpdeveloper_B

Re: server controls client, client doesn't do anyt - 07/31/06 16:26

that doesn't work for me....why?
Posted By: mpdeveloper_B

Re: server controls client, client doesn't do anyt - 07/31/06 17:27

i've looked through locoweed's tutorial and don't see much difft from both of the codes, how do i fix the problem of me spawning in and not getting the actions i need...this is critical, the code is in the first post, please look over it before posting
Posted By: mpdeveloper_B

Re: server controls client, client doesn't do anyt - 08/05/06 01:03

ok thanks to all who helped, i am resolving this matter on my own now ^^ thanks for the support, you are all going in the forums.

Hint: i used locoweeds tut to help out, but the rest is mine
Posted By: pesseba

Re: server controls client, client doesn't do anyt - 08/25/06 22:47

I had the same problem!! I just did a multiplayer works when I put the instruction that called the server (on_server = server_called;) on the end of my code!! Do you believe that?
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