Posted By: FBL

WMPIO SDK - 04/01/14 18:22


I have a few questions concerning the WMP lib.

Looking at the face of a block. It seems to be accompanied by a plane.
plane: n (0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000), pt (0.000000, 0.000000, 2.000000) d=2.000000

What exactly are those values? n seems to be the normal, and d some distance (whatis it used for?), but what is pt?
Is this information mandatory or can WED recreate it from the face data?

Same goes for textures...
texture_vecs: (1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000) (0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000,0.000000)
texture_abs_vecs: (1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000) (0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000,0.000000)
What are those numbers and are they mandatory?

Basically I have a D3DXmesh with skin id and UV coordinates (everything needed to ent_setmesh/skin a nice model instance) and want to drop that info to a WMP as concave block.
Besides some ambient and albedo values I don't need anything fancy - it can be applied in WED later.

But I'm unsure which attributes are mandatory (is there a list?).
A description of these values would help me a lot.


Posted By: jcl

Re: WMPIO SDK - 04/03/14 12:51

I believe neither planes nor texture vecs are used anymore in the WMB Format. But anyway, a plane is defined by either a point and a normal, or a distance and a normal. The distance is to the origin. You can convert the point to the distance and vice versa. The texture vectors define a plane in the texture space - a cut through a hypothetical 3D cube that consists of the texture pixels. What the texture_abs_vecs do is unknown to me.

Posted By: ventilator

Re: WMPIO SDK - 04/23/14 09:17

i can't remember the details anymore but when i tried to convert uvs to texture vectors many years ago (when i experimented with my blender exporter) i used a gauß-seidel solver.

it's not always possible to convert uvs to those texture vectors though. on a mesh with uvs the texture mapping is much more versatile since every vertex can have its own uv coordinate. which can lead to problems with wmp faces with more than 3 sides for example.
Posted By: FBL

Re: WMPIO SDK - 04/23/14 22:31

don't kill the fun grin
I hoped there is a simple way to get a mesh stored into WMP, but I will see... some time in the future...maybe...
Posted By: FBL

Re: WMPIO SDK - 07/03/14 15:58

Is the SDK fully compatible to Lite-C, meaning can the source files and headers be used in Lite-C without building a wrapper DLL?
Posted By: jcl

Re: WMPIO SDK - 07/04/14 05:59

No, the SDK is for C++. I have not tried it with lite-C, but I doubt that it compiles. You need a wrapper.
Posted By: FBL

Re: WMPIO SDK - 07/04/14 16:55

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