DirectX File import problem (Bone-Animation)

Posted By: Zapan@work

DirectX File import problem (Bone-Animation) - 04/30/09 15:46


we've some weapon models in the DirectX X-file format and have problems importing them.
There are two problems which depends on which program we'll use:

* The weapon is not attached to the hands, and is not animated, too...


* Some Faces are destroyed and sorted/attached to the wrong bones

Can you download the following model and try to import them correctly (MED dosen't work correctly) in a 3D program?: (~2 MB)

Can you tell us, which program can import/export the X file correctly. We've tested the following and don't get correct results:

* fragMOTION
* ultimate Unwrap
* Milkshape

Perhaps blender will work (we don't get the model imported)?

The images bellow show a weapon/hand model with a wrong bone animation in MED:

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