Chopper-Zone Demo

Posted By: Slin

Chopper-Zone Demo - 12/26/07 21:33

Because of less time of the other two, this project is actually on ice. But we decided to create a demo to show the current projectstate.
This is just a basic testlevel with the mission to destroy all enemytargets. Most models are placeholders. I forgot some things before uploading, which causes the mission panel not to show up. I will upload a new version in the next days.
If you notice any bugs please post them so that I can fix them.
You can fly the helicopter using the arrow keys image(?) up and down to fly up and down, ctrl to shoot the mg, alt for napalm and space for rockets.

Here are two screenshot:

You can download the demo here:;9329293;/fileinfo.html

Have fun with it and please give some feedback
Posted By: Thracian

Re: Chopper-Zone Demo - 12/27/07 10:34

I hope you continue developing, because it sureley has the ambitions to become a commercial game.
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Chopper-Zone Demo - 12/27/07 17:46

Great indeed, it fulfilled all the expectations I had of it so far
Please, be wise and finish this


Posted By: ambe

Re: Chopper-Zone Demo - 12/27/07 18:25

well .. that didn't work.. avg says that its a virus.
Posted By: Thracian

Re: Chopper-Zone Demo - 12/27/07 19:11

Gdata says its not
Posted By: Slin

Re: Chopper-Zone Demo - 12/27/07 20:56

Thank you frazzle and Thracian

I packed the project using nacasi which makes it being considered as a virus by some antivir software, but it isnīt

What did I wrong that I get nearly no answers? o.O
I would like some more feddback on how you like it (I think the atmosphere is already quite cool, but it is actually a bit wrong and the game doesnīt really make fun yet...), what you would like to see implemented/changed (I think that it needs a simple story and a cuple of missions), how easy or hard it is (I finish this mission with about 76000 points ) and any bugs you find.

Edit: Iīd also like to know if it runs smooth on your system or if it needs some performence improvements. It isnīt very fast on my system (perfectly playable but not more) but someone told me that it even runs smooth on his very outdated computer...

Thank you
Posted By: Wicht

Re: Chopper-Zone Demo - 12/27/07 21:01

My wish: Chopper-Zone >= Comanche 3
Posted By: Joozey

Re: Chopper-Zone Demo - 12/27/07 22:55

My virusscanner said the .rar file contains a trojan virus...
Posted By: Grafton

Re: Chopper-Zone Demo - 12/28/07 03:50

Its just the file packer, There is no virus.

Very cool game!
Some quick suggestions (more later, hehe);

~ mission briefing!

~ How about mouse control too? Couldnt get it to work.

~ Configurable keyboard controls. Didnt like the defaults.

~ I found it non intuitive to use the radar to navigate
to enemies. Perhaps the radar maps pan could always match the
choppers pan instead of remaining static.

~ arrow on radar edge to next/closest enemy/waypoint.

~ I couldnt get the boats to explode, so I wasnt sure they were

~ How about a "pull up" warning when you get too close to the
ground, or/and dying (you get 3 lives right?) if you hit the
ground to hard/fast?

~ I would like to see AA missiles (not "real" fast ones!) and
they should generate a trail and be somewhat easy to avoid!

~ Alerts/warnings and alarms from the choppers computer!

~ More and bigger explosions, havoc, chaos, action!

I really like this game, great job! Hope you upload a new demo
with the mission panel!
Posted By: Joozey

Re: Chopper-Zone Demo - 12/28/07 13:01

I sort of knew there was no virus, but even after disabling my scanner and unpacking the file, the map is empty :\. I can't play it lol.
Posted By: Slin

Re: Chopper-Zone Demo - 12/30/07 16:52


~ How about mouse control too? Couldnt get it to work.

I will try to get it into the version with the mission panel.


~ Configurable keyboard controls. Didnt like the defaults.

That would need some big changes in the menue which I will only do if the projectdevelopement goes on. How would you like the controls more?


~ I found it non intuitive to use the radar to navigate
to enemies. Perhaps the radar maps pan could always match the
choppers pan instead of remaining static.

I will try it with rotating it. About the radar to navigate, I will think about it if we go on with this project. But that would cause a lot of work which I donīt do now.


~ I couldnt get the boats to explode, so I wasnt sure they were

They should explode and do so on my computer...


~ arrow on radar edge to next/closest enemy/waypoint.

~ How about a "pull up" warning when you get too close to the
ground, or/and dying (you get 3 lives right?) if you hit the
ground to hard/fast?

~ I would like to see AA missiles (not "real" fast ones!) and
they should generate a trail and be somewhat easy to avoid!

~ Alerts/warnings and alarms from the choppers computer!

~ More and bigger explosions, havoc, chaos, action!

Those are all things I will try to add if the developement goes on. That is what is actually missing for a great atmosphere.


I really like this game, great job! Hope you upload a new demo
with the mission panel!

Thanks a lot for your feedback. That is exactly what I hoped for when posting the demo
Posted By: vartan_s

Re: Chopper-Zone Demo - 01/02/08 08:43

Alright. First of all, I was pretty much amazed at the environment from the moment I first played it. The terrain and sea (I love the water!) pretty much fit together perfectly (except for a small seam in the sea at the edges of the terrain which Im sure you'll fix). What should be done though, is things like trees and buildings should cast shadows on the terrain. It makes a big difference.

The helicopter model is great, but for some reason it changes when you crash (I think that's your old model). Sounds could also use improvement. Also, the machine gun bullets look a little unrealistic, your better off using tracer type models (I've got one, id be happy to share with you). Smoke also looks unrealistic.

Actual explosions are better, although all those debris bouncing around looks a little unrealistic, apart from that its all good. Also, noticed a bug. Your supposed to explode as soon as you touch the ground, right? I'm in front of a hill, and I lower myself until I'm just above the ground (not touching). I then back into the hill, and nothing happens.

About the controls... not that impressive. I'd much prefer the following system:
w,s - fowards, backwards
a,d - strafe left, right
q,e - lower, raise helicopter

and ofc mouse to aim and direct the chopper, which would feel much more intuitive considering most games these days use a wasd/mouse control system.

Also, I like the music, although the piano could be replaced with something which more fits the genre, either a more sci-fi sound or strings (like you get in most movie soundtracks). Also, would be cool to get music ingame, especially music that flares up during a fight. Would feel much more cinematic and epic and stuff.

Well anyways, that's all for now. I honestly see this turning into one of the best 3dgs games out there (if you find the time to finish it).

Posted By: ulf

Re: Chopper-Zone Demo - 01/02/08 20:04

nice demo, first of all if you have problems running it and you have avg antivir you must disable your resident shield.

now to the game, some things that came to my mind when playing... dont take it personal its just to help you make it better.

-buildingtextures need mipmaps
-trees are too transparent or hard to see against the landscape
-treefadein is too late
-most of the models and explosions look a bit ugly
-explosions are way too slow/unrealistic
-shaders are very good and fast at least here
-menu is not soo good
-the landscape is too deserted (no roads, no trash, no broken trees, no rocks? ...)
-enemy? cars drive into napalm if you place it in front of them

well, i think you will be able to get the above stuff right. however the biggest problem i see is the gameplay. you have taken a road between realism and arcade wich is a bit confusing in my mind.
you need some kind of waypoint system or objectives that point the player to the next thing to do. otherwise he is lost in the big area.

the controls are okay i would say... however i would limit the maximum distance the player can fly above the ground in some kind of auto hover mode just to make things easier... think of flying over a big mountain that ends in the ocean, you will have to fly all the way down again with this controls... whereas if you would implent autohover, the player could just press forward to fly over the mountain.

you could really turn this into a fun game, if you spice up the graphics, make the controls a bit easier and make intuitive missions(like search and rescue, defend against attacks, destroy something...)

im looking forward to the next demo! greetings
Posted By: CrashBox

Re: Chopper-Zone Demo - 01/02/08 20:24

Hi Slin,

I'm new to this and still learning. For flying, is there a specific script available for controlling planes? Or did you write your own from scratch? I've looked all over at tutorials but nothing for flying planes.


Posted By: Slin

Chopper-Zone Demo V 1.1 - 01/11/08 19:44

Today I uploaded a new Version I did some minor fixes and added the mission panel. And I did not pack it with Nacasi this time^^

you can download it here:;9417728;/fileinfo.html

Here are two much better screenshots:

Here is one of the first screenshots I did^^:

Edit: Thanks for your comments vartan_s and ulf. I wasnīt able to change the steering to use thw mouse at the moment because that would mean a big change to the helicode. But I will hopefully do that somewhen. At least I added mipmaps to those models with "normal" texturesizes (realspawn created some very weird texturesizes for the placeholders...^^). The good looking models were done by fuxerz

@CrashBox: I coded it all myself from scratch.
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Chopper-Zone Demo V 1.1 - 01/11/08 19:48

Small but effective update
Thanks again for your continuing effort Slin


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