My first 10 Seconds with GS

Posted By: Ditje

My first 10 Seconds with GS - 07/21/10 16:57

Ok - it`s my first project an I am proud to present the first 10 seconds of my galaga 3D laugh



Edit: hmm - youtube include is not working - so just klick the link laugh

Posted By: Liamissimo

Re: My first 10 Seconds with GS - 07/21/10 17:02

My 10 seconds were much more ...bad?

Nice, also nice models, did you made them yourself? Now I am understanding all your thread asking of loopings and things like that wink

Sehr nett also, nur sinds eben auch erstmal nur 10 sek grin
Posted By: sebbi91

Re: My first 10 Seconds with GS - 07/21/10 17:09

Nice ^^
My first 10 seconds with GS looks more like an old Atari game XD

keep it up
Posted By: Ditje

Re: My first 10 Seconds with GS - 07/21/10 17:50

Without fraps bees find the right position before attack - but I guess I have to add time-step to rotations, too laugh

And yeah - my favorite game when I was young. Much more complex as I thought first.

I did the models with blender, was quite fast because I worked with it before :-) Importing to MED is very easy. All models for the first 7 levels are already done.

Vielen Dank für die Blumen :-) Brauchte ich jetzt. Das enemy skript wird wohl echt krass werden. Ich bin froh, dass ich die erste Angriffswell hinbekommen habe. Das jetzt noch mit den folgenden und abschießen unter einen Hut zu bekommen, ist eine echte Herausforderung für mich laugh


Posted By: Damocles_

Re: My first 10 Seconds with GS - 07/21/10 18:06

Sieht gut aus.
Versuch mal die Explosion auch aus auseinander-fliegenden 3D Pixeln zu machen.

Um die 3d Pixel noch besser ausehen zu lassen, probier mal diesen "flat" shader:

MATERIAL* mtlFlat =

ambient_blue = 200;
ambient_green = 200;
ambient_red = 200;

diffuse_blue = 100;
diffuse_green = 100;
diffuse_red = 100;

specular_blue = 100;
specular_green = 100;
specular_red = 100;
power = 10;

effect = "
technique flatShaded {
pass p {
ShadeMode = FLAT;

Posted By: Ditje

Re: My first 10 Seconds with GS - 07/21/10 18:18

whow - danke laugh

Ich habe leider erst wieder am Samstag Zeit, werde ich dann aber sofort ausprobieren.

Wegen 3D-Pixel Explosion habe ich schon nachgesehen aber nix gefunden. Kann man einen Partikel-Effekt auch mit .mdl`s machen oder muss ich die Cubes mit der Engine erzeugen?
Posted By: Damocles_

Re: My first 10 Seconds with GS - 07/21/10 19:03

Da gibs mehrere Möglichkeiten:

Du könntest jedem Modell eine eigen Explosion als Animation geben.

Dabei reichen wenige Frames. Einfach die Einzelcubes
in einem Aimationsframe nach außen ziehen in verschiedene Richtungen,. Dann reicht eine simple Animation.

Oder Du erstellst neu Cubes als Entities, und bewegst die in zufällige Richtungen.
(dabei das altes Modell entfernen)
Da könnte man dann auch die Physik nutzen.

Posted By: ratchet

Re: My first 10 Seconds with GS - 07/21/10 19:30

Very good begining !
I like a lot this 3D retro style, reminds me Dot Game Heroe on PS3 laugh

Some ideas :
- Add a little inertia to the ship ,and make it move smooth !
- Add objects in background like planets, flying ships,
meterorites, space workers on a station working or a simple
- Later : better ennemi explosion effects : perhaps explosion in some cubes flying away.

Good job for a first game, bring on some big bosses later !

Keep up improving it laugh
Posted By: muffel

Re: My first 10 Seconds with GS - 07/21/10 20:19

Du kannst aber auch Modelle als Partikel nehmen guckt dir mal effect_sprite an
Name ist zwar nicht eindeutig: Damit kann man aber auch .mdl -Dateien benutzten

Posted By: Ditje

Re: My first 10 Seconds with GS - 07/21/10 20:47

Vielen Dank für so viel Feedback. Es bietet auf jeden Fall jede Menge Stoff und Motivation um meine Ideen zu realisieren. laugh
Posted By: FoxZero

Re: My first 10 Seconds with GS - 07/22/10 02:05

This looks pretty awesome so far! i hope you plan on doing some cool screen effects in the background, not overboard like those psychedelic/migraine shooters, just something interesting. Random stars and planets are dull.

@Rachet I was thinking the same thing! More games should do this modernised retro look lol
Posted By: achaziel

Re: My first 10 Seconds with GS - 07/22/10 12:15

sieht toll aus. pixelexplosionen sind auch ne super idee. ich würde aber vorschlagen, die schüsse etwas schneller zu machen.
Posted By: Ditje

Re: My first 10 Seconds with GS - 07/22/10 19:09


ich konnte es nicht abwarten und habe deinen Shader doch noch schnell ausprobiert laugh Mein erster Shader und leider (noch) nicht selbst gemacht, sonst wüsste ich, warum die faces so reagieren. Liegts am Shader oder an meinen faces?

Wenn ich die ambient-, diffuse- und specular-Werte ändere sehe ich keine Veränderung.

Der Kontrast ist mir so auf jeden Fall zu stark. Ohne Shader gefallen mir die Objekt-eigenen Schatten nicht.


P.S. Noch eine Frage nebenbei. Die Syntax der effect-Zuweisung wird von SED nicht erkannt. Woran liegt`s?

Posted By: Damocles_

Re: My first 10 Seconds with GS - 07/22/10 19:47

Keine Ahnung, ich hab mal diesen Test gemacht, der
Flat shader funktioniert hier ganz gut.

Könnte an den Faces liegen. Aber eigentlich sollten
parallele Flächen die gleiche beleuchtung haben.
Schau mal ob dein Model ein eigenes Licht hat oder Schatten an ist.
Posted By: Ditje

Re: My first 10 Seconds with GS - 07/22/10 21:18

Sieht cool aus!

Ich habe es mittlerweile nachgelesen. Ich arbeite mit der Free Version. Die unterstützt den Shader nicht. Deshalb wahrscheinlich auch keine Syntax-Erkennung.

Im Augenblick fehlt mir noch das Geld, aber Version 8 kommt bald und bis dahin bin ich vieleicht kurz vor fertig und kann den Shader am Schluß einfügen laugh

Hmm - die hab noch mal nagesehen. Die Extra ja auch nicht frown Schade.
Posted By: Ditje

Re: My first 10 Seconds with GS - 07/24/10 16:10

Hiiiiiilfe laugh

ich bin gerade bei den verschiedenen "Einflugs-Routen". Klappt eigentlich schon ganz gut. Allerdings habe ich noch ein Problem mit dem Erreichen der finalen Position (siehe Screenshot).

Bei meinem ersten Version in dem 10-Sekunden-Clip, habe ich nämlich etwas geschummelt wink und die Einflugs-Route einfach beendet. Das wird schon bei der 2. Einflugs-Welle zum Problem.

Die Gegner sollen am Ende der Einflugs-Route auf ihre "Plätze" fliegen. Wie kann ich einer ENITITY sagen: "Fliege von my.x, my.y, my.z zu Punkt x,y,z?"

Bei einem Test mit vec_set habe ich übrigens die Fehlermeldung "Empty Pointer" bekommen.

Danke Ditje

Posted By: Pappenheimer

Re: My first 10 Seconds with GS - 07/24/10 18:38

"Wie kann ich einer ENITITY sagen: "Fliege von my.x, my.y, my.z zu Punkt x,y,z?""


"Bei einem Test mit vec_set habe ich übrigens die Fehlermeldung "Empty Pointer" bekommen.

Um Dir dabei zu helfen, muss man allerdings relativ von dem Code sehen. "my" ist ja ein Pointer und der darf nicht leer sein.
Normalerweise kein Problem, solange man innerhalb einer Funktion, die einer Entity zugehört, nicht die Pointerzuweisung ändert. Im Moment fällt mir aber nichts ein, wie ich es generell erklären könnte.
Posted By: Xarthor

Re: My first 10 Seconds with GS - 07/24/10 18:45

@Ditje: Es gibt mehrere möglichkeiten, hier sei eine genannt:
Per vec_diff (oder vec_sub) die richtung herausfinden in die die entity sich bewegen muss. Per vec_normalize, vec_scale etc. kannst du den vektor so anpassen das du ihn innerhalb eines c_move aufrufes nutzen kannst. Dabei muss beachtet werden, dass dies nicht die relative distanz sondern die absolute distanz ist.

Sorry, here is the english translation of my post:
@Ditje: There are numerous solutions to your problem, let me name one:
You can use vec_diff or vec_sub to calculate the direction from the entity to it's destination. Commands like vec_normalize or vec_scale let you adjust the vector so that you can use it in a c_move command call. But you have to notice here that you need to use this vector as absolute-distance not as relative-distance when calling c_move.
Posted By: Ditje

Re: My first 10 Seconds with GS - 07/25/10 15:16

Juhu grin Problem gelöst. War gar nicht so schwer. Ich musste nur einmal los lassen und da fiel es mir plötzlich ein. Jetzt habe ich aber schon das nächste Problem bei Array-Zugriffen. Wenn ich jede Position in einer eigenen Variablen speichere, funktioniert es.

Mit einem Array nicht. Ich habe schon gemerkt, dass ich falsch auf das Array zugreife - kein Wunder also - Aber die Version mit i+j im Handbuch habe ich nicht geschnallt. Kann mir das jemand erklären? laugh

First Problem solved. Second not laugh I don`t understand how to work with arrays. Code below can`t work. But I haven`t understood the tutorial how to get array values. Can someone teach me? laugh

Danke/Thank you


var epos[32][3];
epos[1]['_x'] = -50;
epos[1]['_y'] = 800;
epos[1]['_z'] = 300;
epos[2]['_x'] = 50;

if(me.y <= 800) 
	var c_wert_x;
	var c_wert_y;
	var c_wert_z;
	// Winkel und Geschwindigkeit zum Zielpunkt berechnen		
	// my.ENEMID = 1 - 32 = Gegner-ID = 1. Array Indice
	c_wert_x = (epos[my.ENEMID]['_x'] - my.x) / 10;
	c_wert_y = (epos[my.ENEMID]['_y'] - my.y) / 10;
	c_wert_z = (epos[my.ENEMID]['_z'] - my.z) / 10;
	if(me.pan <= 360) me.pan += 10*time_step;
	if(me.roll <= 0) me.roll += 10*time_step;
	c_move(me, vector(0, 0, 0), vector(c_wert_x * time_step, c_wert_y * time_step, c_wert_z * time_step), IGNORE_MODELS);
else my.STATE = 7;

Posted By: Xarthor

Re: My first 10 Seconds with GS - 07/25/10 15:34

The index of an array begins with 0 (zero).
Thus, if you have 32 enemies and their id begins with 1 you should use:

Next thing: What is '_x' etc. supposed to be?
If you have an array epos[32][3]
You can get a single value with the following indices:
epos[i][k] where i is in { 0,1,2,...,31 } and k is in { 0,1,2 }

Or what exactly is your problem?
Posted By: Ditje

Re: My first 10 Seconds with GS - 07/25/10 16:26

'_x' is just an name for indice 0, '_y' for 1 and '_z' for 2. Like in PHP. I used the underscore, because x,y,z are keywords - an old usage from Macromedia Director laugh

Same with array ids - I wanted to ignore epos[0][0], eops[0][1] and epos[0][2] - just keeping them empty laugh

Now I have understood, what i+j or j+k means grin

But my Code still doesn`t work:
epos[0][0] = -50;
epos[0][1] = 800;
epos[0][2] = 300;
epos[1][0] = 50;
function start_bee_wave1() 
c_wert_x = (epos[my.ENEMID-1][0] - my.x) / 10;
c_wert_y = (epos[my.ENEMID-1][1] - my.y) / 10;
c_wert_z = (epos[my.ENEMID-1][2] - my.z) / 10;
c_move(me, vector(0, 0, 0), vector(c_wert_x * time_step, c_wert_y * time_step, c_wert_z * time_step), IGNORE_MODELS);

All enemies move to (0,0,0). I am sure, that my.ENEMID is set, because I use it before and don`t unset it. Even when I remove "-1" (should point to first array element, if my.ENEMID == 0) enemies move to (0,0,0). So there must be no values. epos-Array is defined global.

Posted By: Saturnus

Re: My first 10 Seconds with GS - 07/25/10 16:40

epos[0][0] = -50;
epos[0][1] = 800;
epos[0][2] = 300;
epos[1][0] = 50;

Are these assignments within a function? They have to, otherwise they will be ignored. Yeah, the lite-C compiler can be an asshole in such cases. Won't tell you anything. laugh
Posted By: Ditje

Re: My first 10 Seconds with GS - 07/25/10 16:59

oh - no they aren`t in a function. But I have read, that variables are not global, if they are within a function. They have to be global.

I will try and and read some more laugh

Edit: I`ve put the array into the function and now it works. Be sure - I will ask again, if I need the array beside this function grin

Thanx for all the help

Posted By: Xarthor

Re: My first 10 Seconds with GS - 07/25/10 20:06

Just for clarification:
The definition of the array should be outside a function to make it global, otherwise its local.
Definition is:
var epos[32][3];

The initialization of the array (assignment of values) should be inside a function, like Saturnus said. (In this case:)
epos[0][0] = -50;
epos[0][1] = 800;
epos[0][2] = 300;
epos[1][0] = 50;

Posted By: Ditje

Re: My first 10 Seconds with GS - 07/26/10 04:54

Ah OK - thank you very much!

Posted By: Ditje

Re: My first 10 Seconds with GS - 07/27/10 08:08

Yeah - first enemy wave does what I want laugh Since I don`t want to upload every development step to youtube, I uploaded here for download:

Edit1: Ups - Please wait a minute - file is not complete.
Edit2: Other server - file is online now.

Posted By: Helghast

Re: My first 10 Seconds with GS - 07/27/10 08:11

Originally Posted By: Ditje
Yeah - first enemy wave does what I want laugh Since I don`t want to upload every development step to youtube, I uploaded here for download:


Looking really nice so far, If you produce this kind of thing already as your first step, I am really excited to see how you are gonna be doing the next couple of years wink

Keep up the nice work, and to be honest, you should upload every step to youtube! It's just a nice central place to keep your stuff together, and you can keep track of your progress nicely that way wink

Thumbs up!
Posted By: Ditje

Re: My first 10 Seconds with GS - 07/27/10 08:46

To clarfy:

I am an absolute Newbie to Gamestudio and lite-C (or other C-languages) but I did some game development during the last 15 years.

From 1996 to 2003 I did a lot of applications and games with Macromedia Director. Two applications for fire and smoke protection where official released and quite complex. I still have the CDs.

From 2001 to 2003 I was working on the HoMM-Mod Wake of Gods

Later some games with Flash - but I don`t like Action Script. Since there where only a few jobs during the last years - working with flash got more less.

Since 2003 I am mainly working with PHP.

At the beginning of this year I started to mod Gothic III. But stopped. I had the experience of HoMM-WoG. You can`t do anything with the knowledge about modding a specific game.

So hours of learning for nothing. Several weeks ago I found Gamestudio by chance and it gave me new motivation to restart game development.

I have never studied any language - so my Knowledge is fragmentary laugh


Edit: Jij bent van Nederland? Leuk :-) Ik ben an het grenz upgegruit.
Posted By: Ditje

Next stepp is done - 07/30/10 13:26

I am leaving in a few minutes for this weekend and very happy that I finished next step before.

The first wave of my enemy attack is done. Of course - I know, that I still have to optimize some paths.

If you like, take a look: [updated]

See you at Festivalkult Open Air crazy


Posted By: Blink

Re: Next stepp is done - 07/30/10 13:38

looks really cool. I love the 2d/3d look. the models are blocky ans pixellated like the old school game, yet really detailed. great work!
Posted By: Ditje

Re: Next stepp is done - 08/02/10 13:14

THX :-)

Video got updated again. Several Changes laugh

2nd Update. Now everything works!

Posted By: Ditje

First Level is nearly alpha :) - 08/05/10 12:32

First Level is nearly done.


What`s missing now:

1.) Attack variants - no help needed laugh
2.) Capture and double player fighter - not thought about yet
3.) Some Collisions - my next problem

How do I organize the different collisions? I don`t know enough about collision functions, so I don`t know what`s the best way to my target.

What should collision function do?
- enemies should ignore each other and everything at bottom of the screen (left ships and level scons)
- enmies should ignore own bombs
- enemies should get hit by players bomb (done - but needs perhaps to be rebuild)
- player should get hit by enemies AND enemy bombs

I will be happy for any advice laugh

Posted By: ratchet

Re: First Level is nearly alpha :) - 08/05/10 12:54

Well good game.

Bring on some little or stylish explosions when ennemies are hit ! Why not exploding in cubes ?

For collisions use simple oriented cube collisions, or why not
sphere collisions it should work very well also.

I think ennemies should ignore other ennemies ,no collisions
and the yshould also ignore other ennemies fire caus it's not
an FPS game with AI !
For the bomb of player , only ennemies should feel it !

I suggest you also to make a shader based or brighter laser effect when you shoot, caus we don't see it a lot.
Make it more big, caus it seems to be too thin , and it's hard to have to target very precisely each ennemy and the games goes fast.

Well juts my opinion, keep it up !
Posted By: MasterQ32

Re: First Level is nearly alpha :) - 08/05/10 12:55

look in the manual:
Posted By: Ditje

Re: First Level is nearly alpha :) - 08/05/10 13:25

@ratchet: Thanx for the hints. I forgot, that particle explosion (with cubes) is planed laugh

May be my collision explantion was not clear enough. Of cause - collision should work like described. I just don`t know how to organize all this different cases.

I would like to use Shader, but I have to wait, until I have enough money for the commercial edition.

@Richi007: Thanks - I just took a look to the manual - and guess I have to read a lot, before I continue laugh I haven`t known about groups before - so I have set an own TYPE-skill to every ENTITY to put them into groups - "group"-statement would have been easier and better.

Edit: Aaaargh - now I get a problem because of missing groups
Posted By: ratchet

Re: First Level is nearly alpha :) - 08/05/10 13:55

Or do it simple for collisions :
Enable them for ennemies and playerand when a collision occurs :
IF it's between ennemie and another ennemie , just do nothing
IF it's collision between ennemie and player , put player health bar down or whatever something else !

Keep it up !
Posted By: Ditje

Re: First Level is nearly alpha :) - 08/05/10 14:32

And I can do this without groups? I still have a bug, that the green enemys should take two shots before dying, but they don`t.

I have an if-statement like this:

if(bomb hit green enemy == TYPE 4)
- remove bomb
- change green enemy to blue (switch skin and set TYPE 3)

if(bomb hit blue enemy == TYPE 3)
- remove bomb
- remove enemy

TYPE is a skill-define wich I use in a way I should have used groups. I tried it in different variants. But enemy switches direktly from TYPE 4 to TYPE 3, when it got hit.
Posted By: ratchet

Re: First Level is nearly alpha :) - 08/05/10 14:54

I'm not sure i think the problem can be the switching from type 4 to Type 3 fro ennemie.

Why not trying instead :

if(bomb hit green enemy == TYPE 4)
- remove bomb
- remove ennemie, and create at the same position an ennemi
of type 3
It could fix the thing no ?

A hint, instead of creating , erasing ennemies, it can cost more CPU than needed sometimes : what you can do to optimise if needed :
- create 10 ennemies type 3 and 4 at beginning of the game
put them a a position they are not displayed , for example :
ennemi.Y = -5000
When you need an ennemie take one from the 10 available and move it where it needs to be on screen. Juts put a flag to "ON" to say it is used and it is not on the pool !
When the used ennemi is destroyed , just put ennemi.y = -500 and is flag to "OFF" to tell it can be used again !

Well don't sure you understant that laugh it was my 5 minutes coding spirit !

Keep it up !
Posted By: Ditje

Re: First Level is nearly alpha :) - 08/05/10 15:56

>> Why not trying instead :
>> if(bomb hit green enemy == TYPE 4)
>> - remove bomb
>> - remove ennemie, and create at the same position an ennemi
of type 3

I have thought about that, but I decided to switch skin, because it`s like "real" and I expected not problems, because I had no experience laugh

>> A hint, instead of creating , erasing ennemies, it can cost more CPU than needed sometimes :

hehe - I had this idea too. And again for the same reason and no experience I decided wrong. Should I add the enemies already in WED?

>> Well don't sure you understant that laugh it was my 5 minutes
>> coding spirit !

>> Keep it up !

Of course laugh Since I have read about groups now, I will overthink, if I replace some functions completly. Erverything is done in STEPS and there`s not to much to change.



Posted By: achaziel

Re: First Level is nearly alpha :) - 08/05/10 17:01

looks nice, but aiming seems kinda weird to me. maybe add a crosshair?
Posted By: Ditje

Re: First Level is nearly alpha :) - 08/05/10 17:24

Yeah that`s right - I am not satisfied, too. To difficult to get enemys at wait position. I am still thinking about laugh
Posted By: Nidhogg

Re: First Level is nearly alpha :) - 08/05/10 17:39

Really good effort for a newbie. Insperation to all I think.
Posted By: Ditje

Re: First Level is nearly alpha :) - 08/05/10 19:35

THX - not really only quite because I have bad news for other newbies grin

I started this project already with the lite-c tutorial, instead of using example files. So it grow and the code too. A lot of things were not planed, they just got nessecary.

After I regcognized, that I did a lot of basic mistakes, I decided to restart. I can reuse a lot of functions and a few hours now, will save a lot of time in future.

So it will take a little bit until next update - not until next problems and questions wink

To all newbies like me: It`s the best way to learn. And I am satisfied anyway, because the game is already playable and 2nd try can only be better!



BTW: I installed A8 before and got an error in a function, which I don`t get with A7

BTW2: Oh with this post I grew a level up to junior member - no newbie any more grin
Posted By: Nidhogg

Re: First Level is nearly alpha :) - 08/06/10 13:43

There are a few things different between A7/A8 in the way it handles things.
Have a look in the manual in it should explain the new ways or differences.

Good luck!
Posted By: Ditje

Re: First Level is nearly alpha :) - 08/06/10 14:35

Thx for the hint. I am still not confirmed in all lite-c functions, so the manual is my best friend, when I am working on my code laugh

Posted By: Shinobi

Re: First Level is nearly alpha :) - 08/09/10 12:40

Hi Ditje , ich muss schon sagen super was du bisher auf die beine gestellt hast. Ich bin auch ein Retro fan und ich liebe auch Galaga ( hatte sogar mal daran gedacht ein Remake in 3d zu machen ) vor allem mag ich diese Block Grafik , das ist echt eine coole idee für die alten klassiker Spiele laugh

Einziger Kritik Punkt bisher : wenn die Gegner (nachdem sie fertig angeflogen gekommen sind) zu ihrer Endposition fliegen , müsstes du das noch weicher hinbekommen denn sie fligen so radikal fast ohne animation zu den Endpunkten.

Kannst aber stolz auf dich sein , für dein erstes Projekt ist das schon echt gut wink
Posted By: Ditje

My first 78 seconds!!! - 08/13/10 16:22

@ Shinobi - Danke - hab`s gerade erst gelesen, da habe ich meinen eigenen Thread übersehen laugh Tipps von Galaga-Kennern sind immer herzlich willkommen. Dein Moopatrol habe ich mir gerade gesogen. Bin gespannt.

YEAH - it`s done. I have rewritten enemy functions. Instead of 15 single functions only one. Puh - I never expected, that you have to be as careful with var values when everythings in a while loop the whole time laugh

What`s new in the video:

Option menu:
If you choose an option there is a little animation. First little decoration - more is planed
Enemy behavior
Galaga enemys enter "battlefield" in three different variants. You can see all of them.
Level Up
Changing levels is not done yet, but prepared. You can see 3 different levels. I just changed the vars by hand (for the values, take a look to the top left)
Level 1:
Enemies don`t shoot, if they fly in. They are quite slow and you get no additional enemies during flight in.
Level 16:
Every fourth enemy shoots. speed is increased by 8 and you get 4 additional enemys each wave of flight in.
Level 32:
Every enemy shoots, speed is increased by 16 and you get 8 additional enemies each wave.

Time between enemy attack decreases depending on the increase of enemy speed. If you like, take a look:

My fist 78 seconds video(updated 10.27 MB)

There are 2 main problems now.

- the radius of enemy loops increase although they depend on enemy speed - I guess I will get this alone laugh
- if enemies are in wait position collision doesn`t work I don`t know why. It happens, if my.STATE = 8 or my.STATE = 9.

Cheers Ditje

Here ist the code:
// Warte Positionen ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
		if(my.STATE == 7) // Drehungen zurückstellen - Endposition
			c_move(me, vector(0, 0, 0), vector(0, 0, 0), IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_PUSH);
			me.pan = 0;
			me.tilt = 0;
			me.roll = 0;
			me.x = epos[my.ENEMID][0];
			me.y = epos[my.ENEMID][1];
			me.z = epos[my.ENEMID][2];
			my.STATE = 8;
		if(my.STATE == 8) // Auf Angriffs Position hin und her
			c_move(me, vector(0, 0, 0), vector(-0.5*time_step, 0, 0), IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_PUSH);
			if(me.x <= epos[my.ENEMID][0]-5) my.STATE = 9;
		if(my.STATE == 9) // Auf Angriffs Position hin und her
			c_move(me, vector(0, 0, 0), vector(0.5*time_step, 0, 0), IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_PUSH);
			if(me.x >= epos[my.ENEMID][0]+5) my.STATE = 8;

Posted By: Ditje

Re: My first 78 seconds!!! - 08/17/10 15:35

Video got updated. Take a look to the post above.

Both main problems are solved.

As I wrote before, collision doesn`t work in STATE 7 to 9. I used EVENT_PUSH and added collision type EVENT_ENTITY. With both types, enemies can be shot in "wait" position now.

Cheers Ditje

Edit: Videos is updated again. Players lives are added (only first scene in video). I still play in god mode laugh
Posted By: Ditje

Some small updates - 08/18/10 18:29

Not to much new. But I am still proud about my project. As long as some of you watch them, I will upload new videos grin

- Collision is optimized, but still not perfect.
- now there is a little break before each level
- level medals, players lives and upcoming Level are shown during the break

That little break lets the game feel more professional.



Edit: uploaded to youTube
Posted By: Rei_Ayanami

Re: Some small updates - 08/18/10 18:30

Could you upload them to youtube? That is better as downloading it for me...
Posted By: Ditje

Re: Some small updates - 08/18/10 18:49

I can watch wmv-files direct in Firefox laugh Uploading to youTube often doesn`t work for me. I am just trying during writing this post. It seems, that it works with the first try. Yeah laugh
Posted By: Ditje

Re: Some small updates - 08/24/10 16:29

Nearly a week an no new video? wink A lot of work beside GS - but I did some small updates. Player lives are rebuild and there is no god mode any longer. Now I recognized how difficult my game is. Aiming has to be optimzed.

Early friday, I will go for some days vacancy and I have a lot of ohter work to do before. So there will be a little delay until next update.



Posted By: Ditje

Re: Some small updates - 09/26/10 17:06

I´ve got a new job during vacancy and started direct after coming home. Everythings new, I am realy busy and don`t have much time now. The project isn`t stoped and it will rise faster, when I`ve got more routine at my new job.


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