Dragble GUI for your game (not tutor but script)

Posted By: Sader

Dragble GUI for your game (not tutor but script) - 01/07/07 00:56

did you ever wanted to have GUI like in for example lineage2? where allmost all panels
can be draged and evan more, those panels sticks to each other and to screen border.
So I tryed to create sistem like this and make it quite simple to use.

-mouse_pos.x and mouse_pos.y should be changed with pointer.x and pointer.y values
you can do it by calling function like mouseMove() in main() function

function mouseMove()
mouse_mode = 2;
while (mouse_mode > 0) // move it over the screen
mouse_pos.x = pointer.x;
mouse_pos.y = pointer.y;

-3dgs version. I gues newer than 6.22 should be fine but I am not sure for 100%


There are only three function in the code:

function panelRegist(panel_name);
function panelDragBtn(button_num,panel_name);
function panelDragBgr(panel_name);

This function regists panel which will work as a catcher.
It mean when you will drag some panel over the screen panel will snap not only to screen borders, but also to
panels registred through this function.

Parameter(panel_name) name of existing panel

Note: no quotes needed
panelRegist("my_panel"); //Wrong
panelRegist(my_panel); //Correct

This function will drag your panel and perform snaping.

Parameter(button_num) you don't need to set this parmeter it's handlet by the 3dgs engine
Parameter(panel_name) you don't need to set this parmeter it's handlet by the 3dgs engine

Info: Function does not return anything it self but it changes global varible last_stick values:
last_stick.x gets your dragble panels position x if it was sticked to vertical border
last_stick.y gets your dragble panels position y if it was sticked to horizontal border
last_stick.z gets pointer to panel which catched your dragble panel, -1 if "catcher" was screen or 0 if panel was not sticked at all.
So as you can see after you finish drag action you will able to get some useful info
f.e you can use last_stick.z to get information about "catcher" panel like this
//afcourse you can use any other pointer to panel but dump_pointer was created exactly for situations like this
dump_pointer = ptr_for_handle(last_stick.z);

Note: this function should be assigned for panel's button "click" event
Also you can call it inside your own btn_click_func(), but in this case
btn_click_func() function must have 2 parameters and passed for panelDragBtn()
function btn_click_func(btn,pan)
panelDragBtn; //wrong
panelDragBtn(btn,pan); //correct


panel my_panel
button = x, y, bmapOn, bmapOff, bmapOver, panelDragBtn, NULL, NULL;


This function does the same thing as panelDragBtn() does.
Difference is that this function must be assigned for panel's "on_click" event
If you don't know what on_click is you shoul'd read about it in Manual->C-Script->Panel->Panel attributes

Note:You can call this function inside your own pan_click_func(), but in this case pan_click_func() function must have 1 parameters and passed for panelDragBgr()
function pan_click_func(pan)
panelDragBgr; //wrong
panelDragBgr(pan); //correct

Parameter(panel_name) you don't need to set this parmeter it's handlet by the 3dgs engine


panel my_panel
on_click = panelDragBgr;


Firs add this line somewhere at the top of your main code
include <dragGUI.wdl>

To use this sistem it's not hard.
Let's say you want let player drag your "main menu" panel and stick to screen border. And let's say you want let
to start to drag "main menu" panel when player clicks left mouse button anywhere on panel background
Only change you must to do in this case is add this line in "main menu" panel object description

panel main_menu
//buttons such as Start game, Save, Load, Options etc.
on_click = panelDragBgr;


// dragGUI.wdl //

function panelRegist(panel_name);
function panelDragBtn(button_num,panel_name);
function panelDragBgr(panel_name);

panel* dragible; // is uset in panelDragBtn() function
panel* dump_pointer; // is uset in panelDragBtn() function

var num_of_panels = 0; //number of registred panels
var panels_list[64]; //let's say you will have only about 64 stickible panels "catchers"
var last_stick[3]; //[0]-pos_x [1]-pos_y [2]-handle number or -1 if was stiked to something

function panelRegist(panel_name)
panels_list[num_of_panels] = handle(panel_name);
num_of_panels += 1;

function panelDragBtn(button_num,panel_name)
// change this value to increase/decrease maximum distance beetween panels till they can be not sticked
// less means you mast drag panel very close to stck it. try 5 then 50 you will see difference :)
var accuracy = 10;

var diff_x = 0;
var diff_y = 0;
var hot_x[2];
var hot_y[2];

var i = 0;
var j = 0;

dragible = panel_name;
dump_pointer = NULL;
vec_set(last_stick.x,nullvector); //reset last_stick value

diff_x = pointer.x - dragible.pos_x;
diff_y = pointer.y - dragible.pos_y;

while(mouse_left==1) //while mouse left is not released
dragible.pos_x = pointer.x - diff_x;
dragible.pos_y = pointer.y - diff_y;

i = 0;
dump_pointer = ptr_for_handle(panels_list[i]);

hot_x[0] = dump_pointer.pos_x;
hot_x[1] = dump_pointer.pos_x + bmap_width(dump_pointer.bmap);

hot_y[0] = dump_pointer.pos_y;
hot_y[1] = dump_pointer.pos_y + bmap_height(dump_pointer.bmap);

j = 0;
if(abs(hot_x[j] - dragible.pos_x)<accuracy)
dragible.pos_x = hot_x[j];
last_stick.x = dragible.pos_x;
last_stick.z = panels_list[i]; //save handle

if(abs(hot_x[j] - (dragible.pos_x + bmap_width(dragible.bmap)))<accuracy)
dragible.pos_x = hot_x[j] - bmap_width(dragible.bmap);
last_stick.x = dragible.pos_x;
last_stick.z = panels_list[i]; //save handle

if(abs(hot_y[j] - dragible.pos_y)<accuracy)
dragible.pos_y = hot_y[j];
last_stick.y = dragible.pos_y;
last_stick.z = panels_list[i]; //save handle

if(abs(hot_y[j] - (dragible.pos_y + bmap_height(dragible.bmap)))<accuracy)
dragible.pos_y = hot_y[j] - bmap_height(dragible.bmap);
last_stick.y = dragible.pos_y;
last_stick.z = panels_list[i]; //save handle

j += 1;

i += 1;

//snap to screen border
hot_x[0] = 0;
hot_x[1] = screen_size.x;

hot_y[0] = 0;
hot_y[1] = screen_size.y;

i = 0;
if(abs(hot_x[i] - dragible.pos_x)<accuracy)
dragible.pos_x = hot_x[i];
last_stick.x = dragible.pos_x;
last_stick.z = -1; //save handle

if(abs(hot_x[i] - (dragible.pos_x + bmap_width(dragible.bmap)))<accuracy)
dragible.pos_x = hot_x[i] - bmap_width(dragible.bmap);
last_stick.x = dragible.pos_x;
last_stick.z = -1; //save handle

if(abs(hot_y[i] - dragible.pos_y)<accuracy)
dragible.pos_y = hot_y[i];
last_stick.y = dragible.pos_y;
last_stick.z = -1; //save handle

if(abs(hot_y[i] - (dragible.pos_y + bmap_height(dragible.bmap)))<accuracy)
dragible.pos_y = hot_y[i] - bmap_height(dragible.bmap);
last_stick.y = dragible.pos_y;
last_stick.z = -1; //save handle

i += 1;



function panelDragBgr(panel_name)

Source Mirror

Simply unzip files and execute demo.wdl via Scritp editor
Demo Mirror

If you have any troubles, questions or suggestions you are welcome to comment it. Thats why I put it in the forum
Posted By: HeelX

Re: Dragble GUI for your game (not tutor but scrip - 01/07/07 01:28

Would you please make a demo or something? This comes more in handy as just a few lines of code
Posted By: Sader

Dragble GUI for your game (not tutor but scrip - 01/07/07 01:51

Here it is. Hope it will work.
Simply unzip files and execute demo.wdl via Scritp editor
Posted By: Scorpion

Re: Dragble GUI for your game (not tutor but scri - 01/07/07 16:49

FATAL ERROR: Connection to database server failed.
MYSQL Error:Access denied for user 'user for this da'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
If the error shows on secondery server, you need setup remote access to the mysql database of main server

Posted By: Sader

Re: Dragble GUI for your game (not tutor but scri - 01/07/07 17:20

Try mirror links
Posted By: Scorpion

Re: Dragble GUI for your game (not tutor but scri - 01/07/07 18:34

really nice script:) Specially i like the snap-function. now you must integrate 1 line to switch the layer(selected ever on top) and it is perfect ;P

dump_pointer=ptr_for_handle(panels_list[ i]);

i guess there is an error....

i have got just 1 thing:i can move the panels also without registrate them, why?
edit:ok i got it^^°
Posted By: Sader

Re: Dragble GUI for your game (not tutor but scri - 01/07/07 19:27

1 - you don't need to regist panel if you want drag it
you will be able drag panel when dragPanelBtn() or dragPanelBgr() will by asignet to it's button_click event or on_click event

function panelRegist() is used when you wish to make some panel to work as "catcher" screen border works allways as "catcher" (at least in this code version)
I will try explane it like this:

Let's take demo panel r
Try to drag red panel. You should see that it stick to sceen border and to green panels border but it never sticks to blue panels border. Why is that so?
It's becouse blue panel is not registed as "catcher" and during drag action
blue panels position is not calculated

Look at demo main function I think you will understand
(maybe terminology "catcher" is bad but I don't know how to name it)

2 - it's realy good idea
Posted By: Scorpion

Re: Dragble GUI for your game (not tutor but scri - 01/07/07 19:57

1.yeah ic...thx

2.I tried to make a layer-system like in my post but something, i cant find out, is wrong
Posted By: Sader

Re: Dragble GUI for your game (not tutor but scri - 01/07/07 20:09

Now I can see one mistake

temp = panel_name.layer;
instead of panel_name use dragible like this dragible.layer
I don't know why but panel_name is not direct pointer to panel object

adn one more thing how function layer_sort() looks?
Posted By: Sader

Re: Dragble GUI for your game (not tutor but scri - 01/07/07 20:30

Unfortunately it loks that it's impossible to change layer. here's what manual says
"The LAYER parameter cannot be changed during gameplay"

I didn't expect that
Posted By: Scorpion

Re: Dragble GUI for your game (not tutor but scri - 01/07/07 20:52

no there is nothing like that in the manual

"layer_sort(void* element, var layer)
Places a layered element - a panel, text, view, or a view or sky entity - on a different layer."

Posted By: Sader

Re: Dragble GUI for your game (not tutor but scri - 01/07/07 21:04

gues you have newer version than 6.40 in this case it mean it's possible
good for you
Posted By: harry3174

Re: Dragble GUI for your game (not tutor but scri - 12/11/07 06:10

I m not able to download any demo file. Please provide me the proper link.
Posted By: Gumby22don

Re: Dragble GUI for your game (not tutor but scri - 12/17/07 03:18

set_layer(PANEL, layer); - this may help for lite-c users.

I've just been doing the same sort of setup with a linked list of panels as "windows". I'll see how yours relates speed-wise, and friendliness wise, and hopefully get around to posting some results sometime

have a great day
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