Dynamic light bleeding

Posted By: Stansmedia

Dynamic light bleeding - 07/04/14 23:06

After working with everything having bump mapping, I decided to flip the switch to optimize the no shader gameplay. It looks like my models are lit with paint. I've been trying to mess around with d3d_pointlightfalloff but with no success. Even with diffuse values at 1 - the inner range of the dynamic lights are still just destroying the textures. Does anyone know of a method to tame these friggin lights?

edit: I just realized I posted this in the shader forum when it's more of an engine thread. SO I GUESS my question is: is there a fixed function shader that normalizes lighting or something? grin
Posted By: Kartoffel

Re: Dynamic light bleeding - 07/05/14 05:18

I'm sorry I don't get it, what exactly do you want to do?

Your title says 'light bleeding' which is something completely different (belongs to that global/indirect illumination stuff)

Edit: I think I understood now
if you're trying to get a similar look without normalmapping:

make a copy of your shader -> rip out the normalmapping part -> profit

Edit#2: and I misunderstood again, I thought you were looking for an actual shader...

I haven't seen a fixed function shader with 'good' lighting.
(The default lighting has an ugly falloff, doesn't support high dynamic range lighting, is vertex based and looks like it is from 1999)
However, why don't you use just a "normal" shader (I'm not a fan of that fixed function stuff)?
Posted By: sivan

Re: Dynamic light bleeding - 07/05/14 08:53

decrease light strength, or modify the light response in the shaders use.
Posted By: Superku

Re: Dynamic light bleeding - 07/05/14 10:42

Probably the best solution is not to offer shaderless visuals. Just implement different shaders/ effects without normal maps and the like then. (Btw. in my understanding there really isn't a fixed function pipeline anymore for a long time (on a hardware basis), it's just shader based all the time.)
Posted By: Stansmedia

Re: Dynamic light bleeding - 07/05/14 23:06

What shader do you guys think I should use? I jumped back to the game studio specBump.fx the normal mapping shader 2 in the wiki has no specular control so... I had a quick peak in the specBump file and there is no value to adjust that controls the intensity of the lights. If I could adjust the lights to compliment the non shaded geometry, and adjust the bump mapping to be more responsive to lights everything would be dandy.

I mean, just applying a base shader to tame the lights would be good. But without any shaders the frame rate triples (for me). Computer gaming is not cheap. In general, more people then not will have computers that are not built for GPU demanding games. I don't want to leave those potential players out.

Also, I need honest opinions for this question. I think that it adds a disturbing value to the gameplay in my opinion but... Should the demon woman be nude? Or.. A "unick" (no nipples or anything, just a genderless humanoid), or clothed.
Posted By: the_clown

Re: Dynamic light bleeding - 07/05/14 23:18

"More people than not will not have computers that are not built for GPU demanding games" - well, these aren't really potential players, anybody who plays any games will have at least a, say, 5 to 7 years old graphics card, which should have not too many problems running basic surface shaders, at least when these shaders are optimized.
Also, it's true, shaderless pipelines are practically dead. Newer graphics APIs like OpenGL 3+ don't even support fixed function pipelines anymore.

If you run into problems like these - no shaders that fulfill your needs - there's always the option to write your own or modify existing ones. I'm pretty sure the specBump shader could easily modified to be adjustable.
Posted By: Stansmedia

Re: Dynamic light bleeding - 07/06/14 00:06

I wish there was a shader manual like c-scripts. A help doc with all commands, etc and examples.
Posted By: DLively

Re: Dynamic light bleeding - 07/06/14 01:26

read the shader tutorial laugh
Posted By: Reconnoiter

Re: Dynamic light bleeding - 07/06/14 10:37

Also, I need honest opinions for this question. I think that it adds a disturbing value to the gameplay in my opinion but... Should the demon woman be nude? Or.. A "unick" (no nipples or anything, just a genderless humanoid), or clothed.
, it depends a bit on what your target group is. The advantage of making her nude is that more teenagers want to play it and it makes it a bit more serious/realistic I quess (/less fantasy). Some people dislike it, but my quess is that this is a small group but I don't know for sure. If you want to take the horror to the next level while keeping her goodies hidden, you can add some disfigurements to those places. Its your choice, but I personally would let her be like this ( leave her alone! grin ).
Posted By: the_clown

Re: Dynamic light bleeding - 07/06/14 16:27

Originally Posted By: Stansmedia
I wish there was a shader manual like c-scripts. A help doc with all commands, etc and examples.

Well how about this:

I haven't looked into it too deeply because I didn't need to use HLSL for a long time, but I guess it's pretty much what you need.
Posted By: Stansmedia

Re: Dynamic light bleeding - 07/06/14 22:19

Originally Posted By: Reconnoiter
I personally would let her be like this ( leave her alone! grin ).


Originally Posted By: DLively
read the shader tutorial laugh

None of those examples are effected by dynamic lights frown
Posted By: Stansmedia

Re: Dynamic light bleeding - 07/06/14 22:50

Posted By: Stansmedia

Re: Dynamic light bleeding - 07/07/14 02:06

I just went through my script and multiplied all my red/green/blue values by a variable. Even when that variable is at 0.1, meaning lights emitting at like my.red = 5... It's still just puking color all over the mesh. I'm going to rip the hair out of my scalp. I'm fed up with this.
Posted By: sivan

Re: Dynamic light bleeding - 07/07/14 08:15

okay, too long thread for a simple thing. use this or shut up forever grin (I mean, ask if something unclear, except WED related stuff because I don't use it)

without advertising my little free editor, but there you can find a lovely shader set supporting what you need. for example a simple normal mapping shader without lod (the other one does not apply normal mapping for far lods):

- max 8 dynamic point lights.
- optional per pixel lighting.
- specular lighting for Sun. (but you can modify it to work with a directional light)
- optional support for specular map put in normal map alpha channel.
- uses material ambient/diffuse/specular/emissive/albedo/power, entity rgb/ambient.
- alphatesting.
- shadowmapping (requires outer file from MapBuilder package), but fine with pssm too.
- it works fast for many entities in the level (but its lodded version might be faster).
- shader model 3.0 with fog support.
- fake sky lighting (a secondary distance fog).
- height fog (requires outer dependency).


as you can see in the vertex shader, the binormal calculation is a bit tricky, it differs from all the ones I found in 3dgs or other shader related sources, but only it works fine for map entities or models created from WED blocks, for any Sun angle. other calculations including the one in shader tutorials provide bad lighting (differs on sunny and shadowed sides).

just comment out shadowmapping related lines to get it work.
add a line where variables are: float scsm_brightness = 1.0; (I use 1.6 to get brighter, more dynamic light range)

there are some lines commented out how to use BumpStrength (it should be read from an entity skill or a global varialble which is not implemented)

set object material ambient to 50-50-50, and material diffuse to 225-225-225, emissive to 0,0,0 and specular (0..255) and power (0..10) to any you wish.
set Sun to a high value (rgb over 200, sun light over 80).
tested with dynamic light entities: lightrange 50, ambient 50, BRIGHT, rgb 255,0,0 (for colour correctness, but any works).



// defines


//#define SPECULAR_MAP

// matrices, vectors, variables passed by the engine

float4x4 matWorldViewProj;
float4x4 matWorld;

float3x3 matTangent;							// needed for normalmapping

float4 vecFog;
float4 vecFogColor;	

float4 vecViewPos;
float4 vecViewDir;

float4 vecSunColor;
float4 vecSunPos;
float3 vecSunDir;

float4 vecLight;
float4 vecColor;
float4 vecAmbient;
float4 vecDiffuse;
float4 vecSpecular;
float4 vecEmissive;
float  fPower;

// skins/textures

texture entSkin1; 							// Colormap

// Color map sampler
sampler colorSampler = sampler_state 
   Texture = <entSkin1>; 
   MinFilter = Linear;
	MagFilter = Linear;
	MipFilter = Linear;

texture entSkin2; 							// Normalmap

// Normal map sampler
sampler NormalSampler = sampler_state	
	Texture = <entSkin2>;
	MinFilter = Linear;
	MagFilter = Linear;
	MipFilter = Linear;

// includes

#include "sc_defines_MB.fx"
#include "sc_pointlight_MB.fx"
#include "sc_shadowmapping_MB.fx"		// scsm shadowmapping - variables, shadow samplers, vertex shader functions, pixel shader function

	#include "sc_heightfog_MB.fx"			// blend distance fog with height fog

// structs

struct outVS 
	float4 Color			: COLOR0; 
	float4 Pos				: POSITION; 
	float2 Tex				: TEXCOORD0; 
	float3 ViewDir			: TEXCOORD1;
	float3 WorldNormal	: TEXCOORD2;	
//	float3 SunDir			: TEXCOORD3;
#ifdef SKY_LIGHT
	float  SkyLight		: TEXCOORD3;
	float3 WorldPos		: TEXCOORD4;
	float3 Tangent			: TEXCOORD5;
	float3 Binormal		: TEXCOORD6;
	float4 Shadow			: TEXCOORD7;
	float  Fog 				: FOG;

struct inPS 
	float4 Color			: COLOR0;  
	float2 Tex				: TEXCOORD0; 
	float3 ViewDir			: TEXCOORD1;
	float3 WorldNormal	: TEXCOORD2;		
//	float3 SunDir			: TEXCOORD3;
#ifdef SKY_LIGHT
	float  SkyLight		: TEXCOORD3;
	float3 WorldPos		: TEXCOORD4;
	float3 Tangent			: TEXCOORD5;
	float3 Binormal		: TEXCOORD6;
	float4 Shadow			: TEXCOORD7;
	float  Fog 				: FOG;

// vertex shader

outVS ModelNVS
   float4 InPos		: POSITION, 
   float3 InNormal	: NORMAL, 
   float2 InTex		: TEXCOORD0,
   float3 InTangent	: TEXCOORD2			// was float4 but that is bad with flat separated surfaces
   outVS Out;
//	InPos.w = 1.0f;																					// to get proper matrix multiplication?
   Out.Tex = InTex;
	float4 PosWorld = mul(InPos, matWorld);											// needed for a couple of calculations... float4 for shadowmapping!
	Out.Pos = mul(InPos, matWorldViewProj); 
  	Out.WorldPos    = PosWorld.xyz;
	Out.ViewDir = normalize(vecViewPos.xyz - PosWorld.xyz);									
	Out.Tangent		 = normalize( mul(InTangent.xyz, (float3x3)matWorld) );									// tangent (*bumpstrength)
	Out.Binormal	 = -abs(normalize( mul(cross(InTangent.xyz,InNormal), (float3x3)matWorld) ));		// binormal, without cross() * InTangent.w !!! (*bumpstrength)
   																																// - abs(binormal) is needed because of float3 tangent, and to have similarly correct vertical shading on all sides!
	Out.WorldNormal = normalize( mul(InNormal, (float3x3)matWorld) );											// normal
#ifndef HEIGHT_FOG   
	Out.Fog = vecFogColor.w																									// fog is applied
				 * saturate( (distance(PosWorld, vecViewPos) - vecFog.x) * (vecFog.z) );					// saturate needed when fadeout distance is closer than clipping distance
	Out.Fog = VS_heightfog(PosWorld.xyz);
#ifdef SKY_LIGHT
	Out.SkyLight = saturate( (distance(PosWorld, vecViewPos) - map_skylight_start_var) / (map_skylight_end_var - map_skylight_start_var) );
	Out.Shadow = VS_shadowmapping(PosWorld);
	// lighting
	// final color
	Out.Color = (vecAmbient * vecLight) + (vecEmissive * vecColor);			// ambient + emissive
	float4 Lights = 0;	
	for (int i=1; i<iLights; i++)  														// add (max 7) dynamic lights (except Sun)
		Lights += PointLightDiffuse(PosWorld, Out.WorldNormal, i-1);
	Lights *= 2.0f * vecDiffuse;																
	Out.Color += Lights;
   return Out;

// pixel shader

float4 ModelNPS(inPS In): COLOR
	// shadowmapping
   float Shadow = clamp( PS_shadowmapping(In.Shadow, scsm_esm_obj_var), 1-scsm_run_var, 1);
   // normalize input vectors
//	float BumpStrength = 2.0f;
   In.ViewDir 		= normalize(In.ViewDir);
//	In.Tangent 		= normalize(In.Tangent) * BumpStrength;
//	In.Binormal 	= normalize(In.Binormal) * BumpStrength;
//	In.WorldNormal = normalize(In.WorldNormal);
   // normal mapping
#ifndef SPECULAR_MAP   
	float3 NormalMap = 2 * tex2D(NormalSampler, In.Tex).rgb - 1;																		// Read the normal from the normal map and convert from [0..1] to [-1..1] range
   NormalMap = normalize(In.Tangent * NormalMap.r + In.Binormal * NormalMap.g + In.WorldNormal * NormalMap.b);	// transform to world space 
	float4 BumpSpec = tex2D(NormalSampler, In.Tex);
	float SpecularMap = BumpSpec.a;
	float3 NormalMap = 2 * BumpSpec.rgb - 1;
	NormalMap = normalize(In.Tangent * NormalMap.r + In.Binormal * NormalMap.g + In.WorldNormal * NormalMap.b);
   // Sun lighting
   float LightIntensity = saturate(dot(NormalMap, -vecSunDir));
   // diffuse   									
	float4 Diffuse = scsm_brightness * 5.0 * vecDiffuse * LightIntensity * vecSunColor * vecLight;									
	// specular
	float4 Specular = 0;
	if (LightIntensity * Shadow > 0.50f)																										// a bit higher limtit looks fine and more exact, than in flat shading (no speculars under shadows)
			float3 Halfway  = saturate(dot(normalize(In.ViewDir - vecSunDir), NormalMap));
			Specular = vecSpecular * pow( dot(NormalMap, Halfway), fPower) * vecSunColor * vecLight;
#ifdef SPECULAR_MAP			
			// specular mapping
			Specular = Specular * SpecularMap;
	// specular - another calculation
//	float3 Reflect = normalize(2 * LightIntensity * In.WorldNormal - vecSunDir);													// R
//	float4 Specular = vecSpecular * pow(saturate(dot(Reflect, In.ViewDir)), fPower) * vecSunColor * vecLight;			// R.V^n 												
	// texture - keep its alpha afterwards
   float4 Color = tex2D(colorSampler, In.Tex);										
   // dynamic lights
	float4 Lights = 0;
	for (int i=1; i<iLights; i++)																			// add max 8 dynamic lights, ignore the last which is the Sun
		Lights += PointLightDiffuse(In.WorldPos, NormalMap, i-1);	
	Lights *= 2.0f * vecDiffuse;																
	#ifdef DEBUG_TILE																
		Color.rgb *= DebugTerrain(In.WorldPos, In.WorldNormal);
	// add lighting to color
	Color.rgb *= (Diffuse + Specular + Lights + In.Color);										// with per pixel dynamic lights, InColor contains only entity ambient fAmbient
	Color.rgb *= (Diffuse + Specular + In.Color);													// with per vertex dynamic lights

	// add shadows
	Color.rgb *= Shadow;																						// dynamic shadows, added to lightintensity
	// add fog
	Color.rgb = lerp(Color.rgb, vecFogColor, In.Fog);												// sm 3.0 fog support	
	// add sky light	
#ifdef SKY_LIGHT	
	Color.rgb = lerp(Color.rgb, map_skylight_color_var, In.SkyLight);		
	return Color;


technique model

   pass p0
//   	cullmode = none;									
   	ZWriteEnable 		= True;		
		AlphaTestEnable 	= True;
	   AlphaBlendEnable 	= False;
		VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 ModelNVS();
     	PixelShader  = compile ps_3_0 ModelNPS();	



technique fallback 
//		cullmode = none;										
		ZWriteEnable 		= True;		
		AlphaTestEnable 	= True;
	   AlphaBlendEnable 	= False; 	

// varialbles

float4 vecLightPos[8];
float4 vecLightColor[8];
//float4 vecLightDir[8];																				// normalized vector, only for directional lights, otherwise vecLightDir.w == 0

int iLights;

// original approach (no vecDiffuse and diffuse light weighting applied inside the functions)

// diffuse - original version
float4 PointLightDiffuse(float3 WorldPos, float3 WorldNormal, int i) 
	float3 LightDir 		= vecLightPos[i].xyz - WorldPos;
	float LightIntensity	= saturate(dot(WorldNormal, normalize(LightDir)));				
	float4 Color 			= vecLightColor[i] * LightIntensity;

	float LightFactor		= 0.f;
//	if ((LightIntensity >= 0.f) && (vecLightPos[i].w > 0.f)) 								// vecLightPos.w (range) check can be neglected because of iLights?
//	if (LightIntensity >= 0.f) 																		// alway because of saturate
			float LightAttenuation = length(LightDir) / vecLightPos[i].w;
			if (LightAttenuation < 1.f)
					LightFactor = 1.f - LightAttenuation;
	return Color * LightFactor;


Posted By: Stansmedia

Re: Dynamic light bleeding - 07/07/14 23:16

Your shaders are showing up as pitch black. Even the trees in the map editor executable. My graphics card must not support that version of shaders.
Posted By: Stansmedia

Re: Dynamic light bleeding - 07/07/14 23:26

Terrains are fine, water+reflections are fine(the reflections of the trees are textured). All the trees and shrubs are pitch black.
Posted By: sivan

Re: Dynamic light bleeding - 07/08/14 07:07

probably. they does not work with my old geforce 6200, but must be fine over geforce 8000. frown
Posted By: sivan

Re: Dynamic light bleeding - 07/08/14 07:17

but should work if modify to shader model 2. only fog is PS should be removed. and maybe the iLights loops should be maxed to 4 or 6 if you get a too many operations error.
Posted By: Emre

Re: Dynamic light bleeding - 07/08/14 13:22

Originally Posted By: Reconnoiter
I personally would let her be like this ( leave her alone! grin ).

Ahahahahah grin
Originally Posted By: sivan
okay, too long thread for a simple thing. use this or shut up forever grin

This one is good too grin

@Stansmedia there are a lot of good shader in Aum75 (Slin's shaders) maybe you should look at them.

here's one (per pixel light)
		float4x4 matWorld;
		float4x4 matWorldViewProj;
		float4 vecViewDir;
		float4 vecViewPos;
		float4 vecFog;
		float4 vecTime;
		float4 vecColor;
		float4 vecLight;
		float4 vecLightPos[8];
		float4 vecLightColor[8];
		texture entSkin1;
		sampler colorMap = sampler_state
			Texture = (entSkin1);
			AddressU = Wrap;
			AddressV = Wrap;
			MagFilter = Linear;
			MinFilter = Linear;
			MipFilter = Linear;
		struct VS_TO_PS // Output to the pixelshader
			float4 Pos	: POSITION;
			float  Fog	: FOG;
			float2 Tex0	: TEXCOORD0;
			float3 WPos	: TEXCOORD1;
			float3 Norm	: TEXCOORD2;
		VS_TO_PS VS_v0(	float4 inPos		: POSITION,
								float3 inNormal	: NORMAL,
								float2 inTex0		: TEXCOORD0	)
			VS_TO_PS Out;
			//Do transformations
			Out.Pos = mul(inPos,matWorldViewProj);
			//Pass the Texcoords
			Out.Tex0 = inTex0;
			//Vertexposition in worldspace
			Out.WPos = mul(inPos,matWorld);
			Out.Norm = normalize(mul(inNormal,matWorld));
			Out.Fog = 1 - (distance(Out.WPos,vecViewPos)-vecFog.x) * vecFog.z;
			return Out;
		float4 PS_p0( VS_TO_PS In ) : COLOR
			float3 LightDir;
			float3 Diffuse = vecLight+0.5;
			float attenuation = 0;
			for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
				LightDir = vecLightPos[i]-In.WPos;
				attenuation = saturate(1.0f - length(LightDir/vecLightPos[i].w));
				Diffuse += saturate(dot(normalize(LightDir),In.Norm))*vecLightColor[i]*attenuation;
			float4 Color = tex2D(colorMap,In.Tex0);
			Color.rgb *= Diffuse;
			return Color;
		technique Lighting
			pass one
				AlphaTestEnable = True;
				zWriteEnable = true;
				VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 VS_v0();
				PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PS_p0();
		technique fallback { pass one { } }

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