blending 5 textures with this terrain-shader?

Posted By: Loopix

blending 5 textures with this terrain-shader? - 04/26/05 07:59

Hi all you experts!

Can someone add a second pass (as it says in the todo) for blending two more textures? If someone does it, i'll jump 10 meters off ground...
I'm sorry not to be able to do it myself.
Thank you!
// Title: Terrain multitexture material
// Conitec / jcl 2004
// Blends 3 textures together, according to
// the red and green channel in the first skin.
// The blue channel can be used for a shadow map.

// Skin1 - Terrain RGB blend & shadow mask
// Skin2 - Base terrain texture
// Skin3 - Red channel masked tiled texture
// Skin4 - Green channel masked tiled texture
// Skin5 - Replacement base texture for non-shader hardware
// Skin6 - Replacement detail texture for non-shader hardware

// Skill41 - Skin2 scale, float(1..50)
// Skill42 - Skin3 scale, float(1..50)
// Skill43 - Skin4 scale, float(1..50)
// Skill44 - ambient, float(-1..1)

// Based on concepts by Thomas 'ventilator' Oppl
// and Eric 'Steempipe' Hendrickson-Lambert

// Requires A6.31, VS 1.1, PS 1.1

//todo: pass real sun color
//todo: blend 2 more textures on blue and alpha in a second pass

MATERIAL mtl_terrainmulti3
effect = "

//enable: Skin4 Masked on Green
//help: Skin 4 contains a texture masked by the Skin1 green channel.

//enable: Shadow Map on Blue
//help: Terrain contains a shadow map on the Skin1 blue channel.
//help: With PS 1.1 (GeForce3), sun & dynamic lights are then disabled.

//enable: PS 1.3
//help: Support pixelshader version 1.3 if available.
//help: This allows shadow map and lights on terrain at the same time.
#define PS13

//enable: DirectX Lighting
//help: Use the DirectX Lighting Formula for dynamic Lights.
//help: Otherwise use the Conitec Formula that produces smoother light.
//#define DXLIGHTING

float4x4 matWorld;
float4x4 matWorldInv;
float4x4 matWorldView;
float4x4 matWorldViewProj;

float4 vecSunDir;
float4 vecSunDiffuse = float4(200.f/255.f, 200.f/255.f, 200.f/255.f, 1.f);
float4 vecFog;
float4 vecLight;

Texture entSkin1; // Red/green for blending, blue for shadow
Texture entSkin2; // Basic tiled terrain texture
Texture entSkin3; // Red masked tiled texture
Texture entSkin4; // Green masked tiled texture

float4 vecSkill41;

float4 vecLightPos[8]; // preset this with light positions (xyz) and ranges (w)
float4 vecLightColor[8]; // preset this with light colors
float3 vecFalloff = float3(0.f, 0.f, 1.5f);

sampler sMaskTex = sampler_state
Texture = <entSkin1>;
MipFilter = LINEAR;
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MagFilter = LINEAR;
AddressU = Wrap;
Addressv = Wrap;

sampler sBaseTex = sampler_state
Texture = <entSkin2>;
MipFilter = LINEAR;
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MagFilter = LINEAR;
AddressU = Wrap;
Addressv = Wrap;

sampler sRedTex = sampler_state
Texture = <entSkin3>;
MipFilter = LINEAR;
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MagFilter = LINEAR;
AddressU = Wrap;
Addressv = Wrap;

sampler sGreenTex = sampler_state
Texture = <entSkin4>;
MipFilter = LINEAR;
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MagFilter = LINEAR;
AddressU = Wrap;
Addressv = Wrap;

// return the sun light on the surface
float4 DoSunLight(float3 N)
// modulate the sunlight by the surface angle
return vecSunDiffuse * dot(N,-vecSunDir);

// return the dynamic light on the surface
float4 DoPointLight(float3 P, float3 N, int i)
// calculate the light ray pointing from the light to the surface
float3 D = (float3)vecLightPos[i]-P;
// calculate the angle between surface and light ray
float NdotL = dot(N,normalize(D));
// modulate the light by the surface angle
float4 Color = vecLightColor[i] * NdotL;

// calculate the light attenuation factor, DX uses a really strange formula here
float fac = 0.f;
if (NdotL >= 0.f && vecLightPos[i].w > 0.f)
// get the distance factor
float LD = length(D)/vecLightPos[i].w;
if (LD < 1.3f)
fac = 1.f/(vecFalloff.x + vecFalloff.y*LD + vecFalloff.z*LD*LD);
#else // linear Lighting
if (LD < 1.f)
fac = 1.f - LD;
return Color * fac;

float DoFog(float4 Pos)
// convert the vector position to view space to get it's depth (.z)
float3 P = mul(Pos,matWorldView);
// apply the linear fog formula
return saturate((vecFog.y-P.z) * vecFog.z);

struct TMULTI_VS_OUT // Output to the pixelshader fragment
float4 Pos : POSITION;
float4 Color: COLOR0;
float Fog: FOG;
float2 MaskCoord : TEXCOORD0;
float2 BaseCoord : TEXCOORD1;
float2 RedCoord : TEXCOORD2;
float2 GreenCoord : TEXCOORD3;

float4 inPos : POSITION,
float3 inNormal : NORMAL,
float2 inTexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0)

// transform the vector position to screen coordinates
Out.Pos = mul(inPos,matWorldViewProj);

// rotate and normalize the normal
float3 N = normalize(mul(inNormal,matWorldInv));
//float3 N = normalize(inNormal);
float3 P = mul(inPos,matWorld);
// Add ambient and sun light
Out.Color = vecSkill41.w + DoSunLight(N);
// Add 6 dynamic lights (maximum for vs 1.1)
for (int i=0; i<6; i++)
Out.Color += DoPointLight(P,N,i);
// Add fog
Out.Fog = DoFog(inPos);

// scale the texture coordinates for the masked textures
Out.MaskCoord = inTexCoord0.xy;
Out.BaseCoord = inTexCoord0.xy * vecSkill41.x;
Out.RedCoord = inTexCoord0.xy * vecSkill41.y;
Out.GreenCoord = inTexCoord0.xy * vecSkill41.z;
return Out;

#ifdef PS13 // version 1.3 pixelshader
float4 TMulti_PS_13(TMULTI_VS_OUT In): COLOR
// retrieve the pixels for the textures and the masks
float4 MaskColor = tex2D(sMaskTex,In.MaskCoord);
float4 BaseColor = tex2D(sBaseTex,In.BaseCoord);
float4 RedColor = tex2D(sRedTex,In.RedCoord);

// blend the red and green textures over the base texture
float4 GreenColor = tex2D(sGreenTex,In.GreenCoord);
float4 BaseRed = lerp(BaseColor,RedColor,MaskColor.r);
float4 FinalColor = lerp(BaseRed,GreenColor,MaskColor.g);
float4 FinalColor = lerp(BaseColor,RedColor,MaskColor.r);

// Add the vertex light and shadow map
// entry: Shadow Map Offset
// help: Offset light factor 0..1.0
FinalColor *= In.Color + MaskColor.b - 0.25f;
FinalColor *= In.Color;
FinalColor.a = 1.0f; // prevent transparency
return FinalColor;

// version 1.1 pixelshader
float4 TMulti_PS_11(TMULTI_VS_OUT In): COLOR
// retrieve the pixels for the textures and the masks
float4 MaskColor = tex2D(sMaskTex,In.MaskCoord);
float4 BaseColor = tex2D(sBaseTex,In.BaseCoord);
float4 RedColor = tex2D(sRedTex,In.RedCoord);

// blend the red and green textures over the base texture
float4 GreenColor = tex2D(sGreenTex,In.GreenCoord);
float4 BaseRed = lerp(BaseColor,RedColor,MaskColor.r);
float4 FinalColor = lerp(BaseRed,GreenColor,MaskColor.g);
float4 FinalColor = lerp(BaseColor,RedColor,MaskColor.r);

// Add the vertex light or shadow map, plus the entity ambient
FinalColor *= MaskColor.b + vecSkill41.w;
FinalColor *= In.Color;
FinalColor.a = 1.0f; // prevent transparency
return FinalColor;

#ifdef PS13 // version 1.3 pixelshader
technique tmulti3_13
pass one
sampler[0] = (sMaskTex);
sampler[1] = (sBaseTex);
sampler[2] = (sRedTex);
sampler[3] = (sGreenTex);

VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 TMulti_VS();
PixelShader = compile ps_1_3 TMulti_PS_13();

// fallback for pixelshader 1.1
technique tmulti3_11
pass one
sampler[0] = (sMaskTex);
sampler[1] = (sBaseTex);
sampler[2] = (sRedTex);
sampler[3] = (sGreenTex);

VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 TMulti_VS();
PixelShader = compile ps_1_1 TMulti_PS_11();

// fallback if nothing works
technique fallback { pass one { } }


// C-Script stuff /////////////////////////////////////////////////////

define ScaleSkin2,SKILL2;
define ScaleSkin3,SKILL3;
define ScaleSkin4,SKILL4;

// uses: ScaleSkin2 ScaleSkin3 ScaleSkin4
action terrain_multi3
my.ambient = 40;
my.albedo = 10;
if (d3d_shaderversion < 1111) {
if (ent_skins(my) >= 5) { = 5; } // use skin 5 for non-shader hardware
return; }

my.material = mtl_terrainmulti3;

if (my.ScaleSkin2) {
my.skill41 = my.ScaleSkin2; }
else {
//entry: Skin2 default scale
//help: Number of tiles in x/y direction for Skin 2 (Base Texture).
//help: Set this to 1 for an untiled texture.
my.skill41 = 120; }

if (my.ScaleSkin3) {
my.skill42 = my.ScaleSkin3; }
else {
// entry: Skin3 default scale
// help: Number of tiles in x/y direction for Skin 3 (red masked texture).
my.skill42 = 100; }//180

if (my.ScaleSkin4) {
my.skill43 = my.ScaleSkin4; }
else {
// entry: Skin4 default scale
// help: Number of tiles in x/y direction for Skin 4 (green masked texture).
my.skill43 = 80; }

my.skill41 = float(my.skill41);
my.skill42 = float(my.skill42);
my.skill43 = float(my.skill43);
my.skill44 = float(my.ambient/100);

Posted By: Loopix

Heeeeeeeeeeelp! - 04/27/05 08:57 help??? Ok...a deal: the one who can solve my problem (blending 5 textures) gets these trees free for use in commercial projects...(just e-mail me via my website).

Posted By: Steempipe

Re: Heeeeeeeeeeelp! - 04/27/05 18:34

Hmmm... I like the trees. You'll be getting an email.
Posted By: Loopix

Re: Heeeeeeeeeeelp! - 04/27/05 20:33

I knew there are some great people in this forum...Thanks in advance, Steempipe!
Posted By: Jalen

Re: Heeeeeeeeeeelp! - 04/27/05 21:52

Me too please!!! I don't have any trees but...I know Loopix! lol
Posted By: KyiasShadow

Re: Heeeeeeeeeeelp! - 04/28/05 10:52

Sorry i havent done nothing with the shader yet. not been concentrating on creating my lvl's to much lately, but yeahlove the trees.
Posted By: Loopix

Re: Heeeeeeeeeeelp! - 04/28/05 11:58

Well...ther's an other unsolved problem of mine in the scripting forum:
clipping problem
You solve get the trees too!!! (is this forum turning into a marketplace???)
Posted By: Loopix

Shader Guru...where are ya? - 05/01/05 21:50

What more can I offer you (the trees are still waiting)? Maybe some grass ...! hmm...I mean real grass models (not the grass you stuff in a steaming pipe...and get dizzy of it). Pleeeease help me with the multitexturing-shader (blending 4-5 textures).
Posted By: Alexander Esslinger

Re: Shader Guru...where are ya? - 05/01/05 22:30

For what shader version do you need the shader? I may look into this tomorrow.
Posted By: Loopix

Re: Shader Guru...where are ya? - 05/01/05 22:40

haaaa...someone knows that I (and my problem) still exist, thanks! I think for ver.1.1 would be great...but it could also be for ver 1.3...(ver.2... would work on my card too, but is not that social to share with others...)
Posted By: Steempipe

Re: Shader Guru...where are ya? - 05/04/05 16:00

Loopix: Getting near the completion of the code. Here's a teaser.

Posted By: Pappenheimer

Re: Shader Guru...where are ya? - 05/04/05 16:25

Don't wanna be repetitive, but.....WOW!

Very nice cobble(?) stone texture as well!
Posted By: Loopix

Re: Shader Guru...where are ya? - 05/04/05 20:28

YAAHHH! Steempipe, I can't wait! With this thing, good terrain work will be so easy. I really appreciate that you are taking care of this. Thanks! Meanwhile I will start to learn Level-block building...(something I haven't done so far).
Posted By: mk_1

Re: Shader Guru...where are ya? - 05/04/05 21:46

Is this possible with ffp:
four blended textures using the RGB channels. + Gouraud Shading
Posted By: Matt_Aufderheide

Re: Shader Guru...where are ya? - 05/05/05 00:10

It surely should fact you can use the alpha channels in each texture to blend instead of an additional blender texture.

I would like to make something like this for my own project, but i so far have trouble understand the correct texture stage states and that stuff.. if anyone who knows the FFP better than me would give this a go I think many people would be happy.
Posted By: Steempipe

Re: Shader Guru...where are ya? - 05/05/05 00:21

I already have the ffp version worked out for slapping down 5 textures using the alpha in each colormap texture. It is completely re-written to take advantage of DX 9 effect file format.

The main problem with getting the pixelshader version working was the inability to utilize the framebuffer in passes the same as with FFP. So it took a little creative thought.
Posted By: Matt_Aufderheide

Re: Shader Guru...where are ya? - 05/05/05 00:28

I dont suppose you would share this FFP code ?
Posted By: Steempipe

Re: Shader Guru...where are ya? - 05/05/05 00:53

I suppose I will... after I prune some fat from it and gather up a small build. Seems everyone always wants an example. I would think by the end of this week it should come together.
Posted By: mk_1

Re: Shader Guru...where are ya? - 05/05/05 07:19

Unfortunately I need an external blendmap but it'd be great to pack all blendmaps in one texture (using RGBA channels). Is that possible (I'd pay up to 10$).
Posted By: Steempipe

Re: Shader Guru...where are ya? - 05/06/05 08:19


Unfortunately I need an external blendmap but it'd be great to pack all blendmaps in one texture (using RGBA channels). Is that possible (I'd pay up to 10$).

I'm affraid it is very unlikely to use seperate RGB channels. There were some ideas in the past I had wanted to explore, but never did. I'll see if I can even remember what those were.
Posted By: Alkai

Re: Shader Guru...where are ya? - 05/06/05 15:48

To say that people are eager to see the completed product is a huge understatement...

You have our undying thanks for working on this Steempipe!
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