AUM Index

Posted By: ISG

AUM Index - 12/26/04 23:33


After a request for an AUM Index on the 'Starting with Gamestudio' forum, I put in a little time to create an AUM Index hopefully to save everybodys time while surfing through the AUM. I plan on updating this every time a new AUM Issue is distributed!

And if a MOD would like to make this a Sticky so everybody can refer to this easily....I would love to see this made a sticky!

EDIT: **12/28/04** AUM 43 Updated!

- Synonyms explained for good with wdl code for download in a "shoot the switch to turn on the light" example
- Vector instructions: vec_dist is used to create a decent flare effect
- A simple, true 2D Invaders game with a touch of 3D flavor
- The most requested wdl for laser beams was finally implemented.

- Panels, texts and buttons: the things you were too shy to ask about;
- Time is money? Create your own clock and start earning it
- Stratego, a strategy game demo. It's not AOE2, but you can start creating your RTS or TBS today!
- So you have a great piece of architecture or special effects and want to show them to everybody? Learn how to create movies with SCRAP.

- Particles have a life too, you know? Learn how to set them free.
- Thief-like sneaking code: what if your enemies couldn't see you in the shadows?
- Mani(a)c Miner, a classic arcade game rebuilt in 3D;
- Rope (and ladder) code - it's so simple it makes me feel guilty

- Mastering cameras: learn to create four distinct types for your games;
- First AI demo: do you think that the guard will manage to avoid all these boxes without using predefined paths?
- Intelligent Resident Evil ? like cameras;
- Earthquake code ? take your pills before testing it.

- Splitball: learn how to create multiple views and use them in a two player game;
- Password request code: open doors and / or trigger other functions only if you know the password.
- Cutscene camera code: press a button, record the movement, save a small file on the disk. Load it and play it whenever you want.
- Redefining the keys is easier than ever; this is a new feature but I have received so many requests...

- Cardemo: simple car code (horrible looking model included
- Campath: create one of those great looking cutscenes with the camera moving on a path
- 3D Space game with cannons, enemies, rockets and bombs.
- Eclipse: from now on you won't have to wait for another 50 years to see one.

- Slicing blades (the name says it all)
- NPC code: talk to non playing characters and get the info you need
- Pacmen, a 3D Pacman clone
- Shoot three more switches to activate the gate... sounds familiar? See how it is done.

- Exploding barrels: lethal weapons for your enemies - not only for them, of course
- Footstep: different sounds for your steps as you walk on grass or stone
- Menu code: New Game, Sound Volume, Video Resolution, Quit - they're all here.
- Who said we can't use terrain mesh deformation in our games? See how a bomb falls from the sky and creates a crater at hit point.

- Cash and carry: get money and learn how to spend it.
- Footprints: surprise your enemies by following their footprints in the snow.
- Radar: see every enemy move on the map.
- John Wayne: use two pistols at a time, shoot plates, learn how to create weapon code from scratch and more.

AUM 10
- Keep an eye on your neighbors with our surveillance camera code
- Hear the warlock.mdl screaming: "I'm too young to die!" in this month's bow & arrow code
- Steroidz: a 3D asteroids clone
- New car: get in and out of the car and drive it or walk.

AUM 11
- Create a sniper gun effect that can be combined with any gun in the templates!
- Start a self-timed bomb with your mouse and watch your enemies (or yourself) dieing when it explodes.
- Stratego 2: the war goes on
- Turrets: destroy them before they... got you?

AUM 12
- Create an animated hud with 5 pictures that display how hurt is the player;
- Time-demo: those Max Payne - like effects are just a few blocks (sorry, I meant pages) away.
- Did you say Sword combat? And an enemy that uses another sword to attack the player?
- Random forest: place a huge forest in your level without destroying the mouse.

AUM 13
- High scores: store your high scores in a text file; simple "game" included.
- Create the best "house of terror" elevator with minimal efforts;
- Virtua Cup - a Virtua Cop clone;
- Power-ups : add power health, power ammo and power speed to your game.

AUM 14
- Disco: music and colored lights;
- Energy balls: see a wizard launching deadly spheres;
- Scrolling panel: learn to use windows in order to scroll a text on a panel;
- 3rd shooter: you've asked for 3rd person shooter code, we wrote it for you.

AUM 15
- Add cheat codes to your games;
- Intelligent rain: it can't pass through the roof so hurry inside the house in the office level and you'll be safe.
- Teleport: beam with style and set the destination points in Wed;
- Choppers that fire bullets, a player that uses a rocket launcher, an automatic targeting system... Find all these things (and more) in this month's Air Combat code.

AUM 16
- Add a timer with seconds and miliseconds to your racing game;
- Learn to create vertical mirrors.
- Smooth model shading: the transitions from light to darkness and back will never be the same;
- Flickgen: learn to create tools that generate wdl code.

AUM 17
- Use animated sprites on any panel;
- Learn to create a new debug file with lots of interesting info.
- Create great music using only a few loops; bind them together with music.wdl;
- Skeletons Inc, a (hopefully) fun isometric game.

AUM 18
- Use night vision to spy on your enemies;
- Learn to create a flashlight with batteries.
- Intelligent elevators? How can that be?
- Inventory: get and use a mace, a shield, body armor and the ring of fire!

AUM 19
-Connect 2 PCs using the phone, a serial cable, a local area network or the Internet; learn how to run your Acknex multiplayer projects.

AUM 20
- Create an alarm clock; if this clock can't wake you up then nothing else will!
- Head shots, belly shots or leg shots? See the guard reacting in a different way as you shoot it!
- Model viewer: use A5 to create a good viewer for its own models;
- Calculator: another example of a full 2D project created with A5.

AUM 21
- Waterfall: water falling inside the pool in the office level;
- Breakable windows: break some glass without having to pay for it!
- Accurate crosshairs: the bullets hits the center of the cross every time!
- Thanks: a tank game featuring the player and two enemy tanks.

AUM 22
- Light gate: see the light coming out of a room as the door opens;
- Pianissimo: a stereo piano with "real" sound samples taken from my synthesizer.
- Spreadsheet viewer: create graph reports for your boss using Acknex!
- Security cameras: can you outsmart them?

AUM 23
- Remote cameras: see on your screen what's happening in any other area of the level;
- Blood pool: the warlock gets a blood bath.
- Darts: a 3D dart game. Don't shoot the score board!
- Robby the robot: code for a robot that can avoid any obstacle, says "sorry!" when it runs into the player and more!

AUM 24
- Flip your game upside down or make your levels grow with aspect.
- Need a great idea for one of your levels? How about a landmine field? The (only) good news is that everybody can get killed: you and your enemies.
- Moon alert, a classic addictive game.
- Rocket camera: see thru the "eyes" of your rocket.

AUM 25
- Fogger: set the fog color and strength at runtime. Get the best values and then simply type them in your script;
- Instant debugger: one of my older ideas is brought to life;
- Physics demo: if you have bought A6 commercial or professional you will get to play with this little demo. If you don't have it, read the article and get the movie;
- Quit your job and get hired as a secretary. But first, get trained with this month's Typing Tutor.

AUM 26
- Create Star Wars text for your intros;
- Use vertex - based effects for your models;
- Pong: Acknex is used to recreate the first "real" game ever;
- Force field: looks nice but kills instantly.

AUM 27
- Create a top view of your level and use it as a minimap.
- Place water drops in your levels.
- Perfect AI: this month I have started to write the code for the best AI ever. Or was it worse AI ever? Can't seem to remember at the moment...
- Take-off: get inside the chopper and see it taking off and flying away.

AUM 28
- Move from one level to another without loosing your weapons, keys, etc - that's the true level changing code;
- See if your enemies can see you! Read this month's article on sight range / vision cone / whatever.
- Perfect AI: closer to perfection every month. This time we will compute the shortest, perfect path from start to target;
- Heat seeking missiles: nobody will dare to say that you are a lousy shooter from now on.

AUM 29
- Fade in and out without using panels and wasting precious video memory;
- See the warlock producing dust as he walks inside the office level.
- Perfect AI: this month we will get to test the first playable demo;
- Lazer eyes: a new special effect that makes your monsters look more frightening.

AUM 30
- Did you know that you can create volumetric fog with A5 and A6? Read the article to see how.
- Learn to create a split screen shooter game.
- Perfect AI: e new episode with 4 enemies chasing the player at the same time.
- Stationary weapons: learn to create a cannon or a stationary machine gun.

AUM 31
-Using the sdk: learn to work with the software development kit.
- Perfect AI: action packed demo in a "real-life" level;
- Create fake mirrors with the lower Acknex editions.

AUM 32
- Surprise your enemies! Stay away from light sources using a Splinter Cell panel;
- Strings above entities: now you can give names to the characters in your game;
- Car AI: a new AI series starts this month;
- Player Selection: choose your player at game start.

AUM 33
- Pick up and read data sticks;
- Unlock the doors that need an access code!
- Car AI: the second episode in the new AI series is here;
- Breakable walls: use a rocket launcher to get to the destination point.

AUM 34
- Add a starfield effect to your space games;
- Fill the pool inside the office level with realistic water!
- Car AI: this month we will learn to create the code for player's car;
- Rpg movement code: the warlock follows the mouse pointer regardless of the angle or position of the camera.

AUM 35
- Learn how to work with materials.
- Car AI: the fully playable demo of the racing game is here!
- Context menu: use the right mouse button for popup menus.

AUM 36
- Trick the engine and use several physics objects at once even with A6 commercial.
- Planet Survivors: learn to create a fully finished game project from scratch.
- Your wishes are granted once again with this month's elevators for skyscrapers article.

AUM 37
- Add the "Buy now!" or "Visit homepage" button to your game;
- Need more light in a darker area of your level? Then use some flares!
- Planet Survivors: play the first level.
- Throw grenades that cause damage to all the entities in their area.

AUM 38
- Learn to use A6's comment tags;
- Intelligent music: hear it changing from gentle to tense depending on the gameplay.
- Planet Survivors: the second playable level of the game is here;
- Place editable texts inside your 3D world.

AUM 39
- Learn (almost) all there is to know about scripted cut scenes.
- Planet Survivors: play the third level of the game;
- Create a customizable user interface.

AUM 40
- Paint model skins and sprites (using C-Script, of course);
- Learn to program a poor man's underwater effect.
- Planet Survivors: meet more enemies and a boss at the end of the level;
- Put some deadly spiders in your levels.

AUM 41
- Create your marbles clone using the bouncing ball code;
- Random tunes: play a few music files throughout the game.
- Planet Survivors: get closer to a 1st person shooter experience.
- Learn to create advanced explosion effects.

AUM 42
- Create intelligent cameras for your adventure games;
- Trap: trap the player inside a room.
- Planet Survivors: the 1st person shooter level is populated with enemies.
- Learn to create a flame thrower.

AUM 43
- Learn to create a simple (yet effective) fog of war system for your rts game;
- Escalator: a simple snippet that does the job.
- Planet Survivors: the 1st person shooter level is finished.
- Torch: pick it up and carry it with you.
Posted By: al1

Re: AUM Index - 12/27/04 06:31

look my signature

Posted By: Hampe

Re: AUM Index - 11/01/05 16:49

Can you add the new to
Posted By: Ithicus

Re: AUM Index - 11/01/05 16:51

Wow THANKS! This will save a long long time in searching all the AUMS for something I need.

Please sticky!

Posted By: Bilbo

Re: AUM Index - 11/01/05 17:03

lol go to the au downloads page there is the whole thing as a .doc =)
Posted By: Tozzy

Re: AUM Index - 11/01/05 21:10


And if a MOD would like to make this a Sticky so everybody can refer to this easily....I would love to see this made a sticky!

I thought being a moderator gives you the honour of doing this yourself? Or are you just like the average user, but with just a different coloured user name? Special
Posted By: ISG

Re: AUM Index - 11/01/05 22:10

Wow, old thread revived here again I see. At the time when I contributed this I was not a moderator, however, now I am. Like Bilbo said you can download the AUM Index as a Doc, though not sure if it has all the newer ones too. If there's enough interest I'll update mine to have all them regularly and find someone to make sure you all can get it and see it...
Also I'm not a Moderator of this forum section, so I can't make it a sticky myself I would have to have someone who is do that.

Thanks though,

@Toz.....I have soo much more power over you I could take you down a way

Posted By: JetpackMonkey

Re: AUM Index - 03/03/06 13:31

Thanks a ton, ISG!
Posted By: FBL

Re: AUM Index - 03/03/06 17:12

AUM index is also available in Wiki
Posted By: XNASorcerer

Re: AUM Index - 03/03/06 18:57


If there's enough interest I'll update mine to have all them regularly and find someone to make sure you all can get it and see it...

I would like that also!
Posted By: JetpackMonkey

Re: AUM Index - 05/23/06 08:36

>AUM index is also available in Wiki

Is it still up there? I can't find it on the Wiki

It'd be nice if this index were posted right on the AUM magazine page itself!
Posted By: George

Re: AUM Index - 05/23/06 12:30

Check out Acknex Unlimited; there's a big (300MB) chm file that includes the entire Aum1...Aum50 collection under "wdls and dlls".
Posted By: FutureRaptor

Re: AUM Index - 01/05/11 02:57

Thank you so much, really useful!
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