Rotation Problems

Posted By: Dooley

Rotation Problems - 09/30/20 15:05

If I have an object, and I rotate it in the level editor, then I rotate it along a different axis, the numbers seem to go all crazy. Instead of just adjusting the pan, til or roll, rotating seems to effect all three, especially if it was rotated along more than one axis.

Furthermore, if I save my level and open it again, the numbers sometimes change. Even clicking in the pan, tilt or roll fields under the Position tab can sometimes change the numbers.

Is there a logic to all of this?

It seems like rotating should only change the axis being rotated, i.e. rotating horizontally should only effect the pan, etc...

I have built several levels with various objects in different positions and rotations, and I am trying to write a script that can figure out which direction an object is facing. But with all these different possible orientations, it seems impossible to solve in a clear way.
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