IB's Plugin Historical data requests

Posted By: Zheka

IB's Plugin Historical data requests - 12/12/18 14:31


the SET_MAXTICKS works, but I think can be improved.

Setting it to 4000 (i.e. 4000 min/1440= 2.8 days), makes Zorro request 6 Days of data from IB.
The next request further back starts then more or less 4000 mins back.

I understand this is bounded by the "least common denominator", as a 6 D request for stocks/etfs actually returns anywhere between 4300-5200 mins, for GLOBEX products- 7000-7500, for FX - 7800-8400.

Would it be possible to make the algo more efficient by recognizing GLOBEX and FX and making requests more in line with the SET_MAXTICKS setting?

Thank you!
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