Number formatting

Posted By: Morris

Number formatting - 01/04/21 21:43

I haven't seen a facility in Zorro to print large numbers more legibly with thousands separators, so I implemented one. Maybe this is useful for those of you dealing with larger figures :-) Should be rather self-explanatory, and can of course be easily adjusted to return a string instead:

 * Formats and prints a number with configurable thousand separators, right aligned
 * decimals:         Number of decimal digits, default 0
 * width:            Overall width of the resulting string (string will be at least as wide
 *                   as number requires, though)
 * pos_leading_char: First character in front of positive numbers, or \0 (default)
 *                   for none. Meaningful values are ' ' and '+'
 * thousand_sep:     Separator char between triplets of whole number part (default ',')
 * decimal_sep:      Decimal separator (default '.', unless thousand_sep is set to '.',
 *                   in which case default is ',')
void printf_num(var number, int decimals, int width, char pos_leading_char, char thousand_sep, char decimal_sep) {
    #define MAX_WIDTH 30
    if(decimals < 0 || decimals > MAX_WIDTH-4 || width > MAX_WIDTH-1) return;
    char format_string[7];
    char buffer[MAX_WIDTH];
    char result[MAX_WIDTH];
    sprintf(format_string, "%%+.%02if", decimals);    // Create format string with right number of decimals
    sprintf(buffer, format_string, number);           // Format number without thousands separators
    int input_pointer = strlen(buffer);
    int offset = 2 + (1 && decimals);                 // 2 if decimals == 0, otherwise 3
    // Calculate length of result string with thousands separators after every 3 digits
    int new_len = input_pointer + (int)((input_pointer - decimals - offset)/3);
    if(number >= 0 && !pos_leading_char) {            // Subtract 1 if there is no leading character
    // Expand to width, but no more than MAX_WIDTH. Subtract 1 because of 0 based counting
    int result_pointer = min(max(new_len, width) + 1, MAX_WIDTH) - 1;
    // Fill resulting string from right to left
    int digit_counter = -1;
    while(result_pointer >= 0) {
        if(input_pointer >= 0) {
            if(buffer[input_pointer] == '.') {
                result[result_pointer--] = decimal_sep;    // Insert decimal separator and
                digit_counter = 0;                         // start counting digits left of decimal point

            } else if(buffer[input_pointer] == '+') {      // Replace leading '+' as the case may be
                if(pos_leading_char) {
                    result[result_pointer--] = pos_leading_char;
                } else {
                    result[result_pointer--] = ' ';
            } else if(digit_counter == 3 && input_pointer > 0) {
                result[result_pointer--] = thousand_sep;   // Add thousands separator every 3rd digit
                digit_counter = 0;
            } else {                                       // Otherwise, just copy formatted number incl. final \0
                result[result_pointer--] = buffer[input_pointer--];
                if(digit_counter >= 0 || decimals == 0) digit_counter++;

        } else {
            result[result_pointer--] = ' ';                // Fill the rest (left side) with blanks
    printf("%s", result);
// Overloaded function signatures to simulate default values
void printf_num(var number) {
    printf_num(number, 0, 0, '\0', ',', '.');
void printf_num(var number, int decimals) {
    printf_num(number, decimals, 0, '\0', ',', '.');
void printf_num(var number, int decimals, int width) {
    printf_num(number, decimals, width, '\0', ',', '.');
void printf_num(var number, int decimals, int width, char pos_leading_char) {
    printf_num(number, decimals, width, pos_leading_char, ',', '.');
void printf_num(var number, int decimals, int width, char pos_leading_char, char thousand_sep) {
    char decimal_sep = '.';
    if(thousand_sep == '.') {
        decimal_sep = ',';
    printf_num(number, decimals, width, pos_leading_char, thousand_sep, decimal_sep);
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