"Game Shame"

Posted By: Error014

"Game Shame" - 10/19/08 20:22

I figured some of you would appreciate a link to this article - I recommend reading the three other articles of that miniseries beforehand, though. If you have the time, make sure to read the comments too, they all tackle the issue from different sides.

Personally, I also want you to read this, because a) it is related, b) it deals with Pokemon, and how that is perceived, and since I'm a big Pokemon-fan, you should read it.

So, the issue of "Game Shame" (amazing term) - do you tell other people that you are playing games, widely regarded as something for children? Or do you only play in secret, quickly putting your handheld-system of choice away when someone you know (and sometimes even someone you don't know) approaches? Do you introduce yourself by saying, "Hi, I'm the upcoming Pokemon-master", or do you never tell anyone what you are doing?
Plus, since we're actually here to make games, how is it with that? Do you tell people that you are making games, and if so, how do they react? Do you need to justify that, or are the people around you always amazed by that hobby?

Certainly, I will admit that I am hesitant of mentioning my hobby. But maybe not so much because of the "child's-play"-stigma, but more so due to the "doesnt-it-make-you-an-antisocial-loser"-expectation some people have. I'm simply too tired to deal with that stereotype -- and given first impressions, sometimes thats not even an option. So usually when I meet new people, I first don't tell them outright that I play games, but gradually make sure to let them know, while also finding out what they think about games. At least, thats what I do when those people are around my age. Otherwise, I don`t discuss those topic - and I'm not even sure why. Am I ashamed of my hobby? Well, I must admit, I probably could have spent all those hours better (apart from those playing Pokemon, of course), but hey, it's my hobby, it's a recreational thing, right?

What is your take on this? Are you ashamed of playing games and/or making them?.

Maybe we can make out certain tendencies in the answers? Is it an age-thing, a culture-thing (if you don't have anything set as your location, now would be a good idea to give us a rough idea, since I believe how the value of games is perceived and how "mainstream" they are depends alot on the place!), and how will it change for those doing it only as a hobby compared to those earning money with it?
Posted By: Excessus

Re: "Game Shame" - 10/19/08 22:32

I'm generaly very proud of my job. Usually people are impressed when I tell them I make games. But I think its more important how you tell people about it than what exactly your hobby/job is. If they can see the passion in your eyes they will get sucked into it, regardless of what exactly you're passionate about. If you keep feeling bad about your hobby people will sense that and think less favorably about it.
Posted By: NITRO777

Re: "Game Shame" - 10/19/08 23:22

Are you ashamed of playing games and/or making them?.
What was the question? I am sorry I cant answer right now because Im a little busy customizing my oblivion character for another night of conquering my ingame fantasy world.
Posted By: ello

Re: "Game Shame" - 10/20/08 06:27

wink i am playing oblivian these days again, too
Posted By: Captain_Kiyaku

Re: "Game Shame" - 10/20/08 07:01

I'm not ashamed of playing or making games, i'm proud of it and it's my passion. I don't even mind telling people i still love playing kirby games (and i often do) or yugioh or whatever. It's not childish, it's super cool :P

Though sometimes i feel shy telling people what im working on. Wether they think its sometimes too "different/boring" or it's too huge (when talking about online games). But i guess that's the burden every visionary have to take, and that's what gamedesigner are, visionaries.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: "Game Shame" - 10/20/08 12:02

I think it's incredibly difficult to take away the whole bias against nerds, game developers, gamers and so on... I'm not ashamed of anything, but I'm not the kind of person that walks around with t-shirts revealing how much of a nerd I am either or someone who openly talks about how exciting last night was having defeated [insert random level boss here].

Lately I'm not playing that much games anymore,

Posted By: Joozey

Re: "Game Shame" - 10/20/08 12:35

To people I know I am not ashamed to tell that I recently bought kirby for the DS for 30 euro's, and enjoyed it. But I only tell when I know the other person is interested too. I don't wanna hear stories about "who won the soccergame today", so why bother those people with nerdie cumputerstories?

To people I just met I only say that I design games when we talk about hobbies, not spontaneously. But I tell them too that in the weekends I walk around as a medieval villager in a history themepark. That compensates the nerd, and makes me slightly crazy.

Oh and to prevent people thinking I'm an antisocial nerd because I make games, I rather tell them that I make stories, and try to visualise it in the shape of a game. They usually have more respect to that formulation laugh.
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