I have some questions

Posted By: mikkohomero

I have some questions - 05/24/07 17:46

I didn't find any tutorial...sorry i'm new in the game development.I have some questions.I'm doing an easy game style GTA.Yes i know i'm a begginer.But i will not do this game in detail.Just a good game .

Here are the questions:

-How can i do the cars are moving???
-Can I do when the player clicks enter the guy will enter in the car and than will drive it?With no animations if is it possible.
-How can I do animations?Yes I know how can i do simply walk animations.But how ca n I use it?
-The script is not that difficult but I have also a question.How can i do a menu
for my game?

That's all.Sorry if my English is not correct.I need help.It will turn a good game with your help.Thanks for this great software
Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: I have some questions - 05/24/07 17:57

Consult the Good Book:


Car AI starts at issue 32. There's also a menu how-to in another.
Posted By: Damarus

Re: I have some questions - 05/24/07 21:06

Well my advice would be to start small because a game like gta is a huge load of work like scripting, modelling, level building and it will take you forever to finish it if you have the right skills. So you should start with a game like pacman or a shooter those are easy and another advice would be to do as many tutorials as you can find. They will help. For the tutorials you should look in the aums like Orange Brat already gave. Hope that helps.
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