Windows API and the C-Lite API to draw Windows

Posted By: BorgNot

Windows API and the C-Lite API to draw Windows - 09/28/09 19:59


I have been rereading all of my old 1990 books on Windows API to follow code to learn about how the C-Lite API is using the Windows API.

One of my old books is Delphi Tomes or similar title. It has a section where there are Windows API descriptions indexed so that one can look up words like LPSTR and etc.

I want to go into Strict C-Lite API but I am confused about calling the Windows and using all the Windows API equivalent calls.

For instance, my old renewed project, I want to create a Window with a Menu. The Start Game will be in the Menu->Execute. This particular one is a Window I use to test little bits of my coding.

Is there a list of C-Lite API calls to the Windows API that is a simple list I can look up as in a Help File or similar?


Re: Windows API and the C-Lite API to draw Windows - 09/28/09 22:44

You should be able to call any Win32 API call from lite-c no problem. Just make usre you include the right header file (windows.h) and add the correct structs if needed.

Then all you need is a prototype to that win32 call, and then you can use it like a normal function. There are some samples in the manual.
Posted By: BorgNot

Re: Windows API and the C-Lite API to draw Windows - 10/01/09 16:37

Hi DJBMaster,

Yes, I did read the help files to know that the A7 can compile C++ almost seamlessly... so to speak. Not to be rude. Please do not take it that way. I meant, "What are the Pure C-Lite key words that do all the work of the various Windows API calls? I.e.; Panel draws a Window."

Is there an index or codex of C-Lite == Windows API key words?

Posted By: Quad

Re: Windows API and the C-Lite API to draw Windows - 10/01/09 16:58

windows header does the job, functions are called from system dlls.

for winapi documentation check msdn documentations(from microsoft's sites)
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