I'm using 6.40 and in WED, I created a hollow cube, added a model and attach the dumb AI template to it. The level can compile but when run, I get the following errors:
< (passable_ent == null) >
bipedPhy01.wdl 375:0 Error(63): Parameter unknown passable_ent

< if(bipedPhy01_temp_ent != NULL) {>
bipedPhy01.wdl 389:0 Error(19): Parameter unknown if bad keyword in { }

< if(gid01_platform_const == bipedPhy01_temp_ent._gid01_id) {c,trace_mode)>
bipedPhy01.wdl 391:-1 Error(6): Script error

< vec_sec(bipedPhy01_surface_vel_vec[0],bipedPhy01_temp_ent._gid01_vel_x);>
bipedPhy01.wdl 389:0 Error(19): Parameter unknown vec_set bad keyword in { }

Here's the Notes tab info:

Project Manager: 1.4
Template: Template 6
Type: WDL Script
Date: 060519
Vers: 6.6
Req: 6.40.5

Main Script: C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\test\work\test2.wdl

gid01.wdl (4.6) (060518)
display00.wdl (4.6) (060518)
bipedPhy01.wdl (4.6) (060518)
bipedAnim01.wdl (4.6) (060518)
bipedSnd01.wdl (4.6) (060518)
aiDumbBiped01.wdl (4.6) (060518)