I'm sure this has been answered but I can't find it on the forum...

When I compile a level and render the scene. There are random blocks that have black squares going through the light-mapped portion of the block.

Does anyone know how to correct this?


Okay so I was able to resolve that issue. (I ungrouped the set of blocks...)

Now, they lightmaps are not... smooth. If a light touches the square its lit, if it doesn't its dark. Is there a bug with the A7 lightmapper? (or is there a way NOT to place blocks side-by-side.)

EDIT #2:

Looks like all you need to do is delete the block... and replace it with a new one. Same settings, texture, and size... and the lightmapping worked fine. Odd... but worked for me.

Last edited by DarkWhoppy_; 04/13/08 06:03. Reason: Issue Solved.

darkwhoppy@msn.no.spam.com (remove no.spam.) Website: WhoppyArts