I don't know if anyone will find this helpful -- but this simple code works well for establishing when physics objects hit things.


var _last_collision_time;
var _bounces;

function hit_something() {
if ( event_type == EVENT_BLOCK || event_type == EVENT_FRICTION ) {
if ( total_ticks - time - 1 <= _last_collision_time ) {
//still in contact with surface
//do something here when touching a surface
} else {
_bounces += 1;
//add code to check for strength of impact, reduce health, play sounds, shoot off sparks
} //else
_last_collision_time = total_ticks;
} //if

action physics_stuff

my.enable_block = ON;
my.enable_friction = ON;
my.event = hit_something;

while(1) {
//do stuff
} //

Curious, but not overwhelmed...demlehwrevo ton tub ,suoiruC