I was trying out one of the material shaders like fx chrome bump.
It works shows up on the object but complete overrides the texture that was already on the object.
I wanted to see some of the effect but not completely loose texture underneath. Is their a simple way
of say setting the amount of effect I would want on the object?
What might I look for for help on this? Is it just a number tweak in the .fx. Is it a skill?
or is it done with the MATERIAL I have skin1 set and that is the chrome bitmap.
What I have is below. Looking for clues to how show a little chrome mix with a little skin but dont know where to turn next to find out how to do this. I looked at shader Viewer demo code but not quite sure how they do it.

#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>
#include "mtlFX.c"

ENTITY* guard;
BMAP* bg = "test.tga";//use as chromebump effect
BMAP* bg2 = "testbump.tga";

MATERIAL* mtl_smaragd =
ambient_blue = 0; //black
ambient_green = 0; //black
ambient_red = 0; //black
diffuse_blue = 125; //255 is highest pure blue
diffuse_green = 125;
diffuse_red = 125;
specular_blue = 0;
specular_green = 0;
specular_red = 0;
power = 10;
skin1 = bg;
//skin2 = bg2;// typing skin2 = bg2 doesnt work

effect = "chromebump.fx";
