Just for fun, playing around with texture coords.

All code, assets and demo in zip.

Download Render Swirl/Pinch/Bulge

MATERIAL *pp_spiral =

// Take a source image and spiral/pinch/bulge around the center


cycle = 10;
effect = "

float4 vecSkill1;
float4 vecCycle;
texture TargetMap;
sampler sRendertarget = sampler_state { Texture = <TargetMap>; };
float fCoeff = 1.0; //vecSkill1.y
float fAngle, Angle, Dist;

float4 pp_spiral(float2 Tex: TEXCOORD0): COLOR 
   fAngle = vecCycle.y * vecSkill1.x;
  	Dist = distance(Tex.xy, float2(0.5,0.5))* 2;
   if (Dist <2.0) {
    Angle = atan2(Tex.y-0.5, Tex.x -0.5) + pow(1-Dist,1.0) * fAngle;
    Dist = (pow(Dist,vecSkill1.y))/2;
    Tex.x = cos(Angle) * Dist + 0.5;
    Tex.y = sin(Angle) * Dist + 0.5;
   return tex2D(sRendertarget, Tex.xy);

 technique spiral {
    	pass p1 {
      	AlphaBlendEnable = false;	
      	PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 pp_spiral();