Hi, here are some errors I encountered and solutions to them

1. Water Shader (fx_water_mirror). After new level_load reflections are not working correcly.
mtlfx.c Comment 720-721 lines + optional add ptr_remove(bmap_mirrortarget); to free old bmap

2. PSSM Shadows are invisible when transparency <0.5
vp_pssm.fx replace 180 string to- clip(alpha< 0.1f ? -1:1); // for alpha transparent textures

3. If you have huge terrain, all enitities can disappear at a certain camera angle when camera is far from the center of map
Place small blocks in corners of terrain

4. Radiocity not working in 7.35 map compiler, and it have 7.34 label in settings form. In "real" 7.34 compiler from A7 radiocity works OK
Copy wwmp2wmb.exe from A7 to A8 folder (Thanks to Acknex disscord server)

5. wwmp2wmb Out of memory.
Patch it with "4GB patch" https://ntcore.com/?page_id=371

6. WED->GED Synh
A8 don't have ged.dll in wed_plugins folder, and WED don't have "Run map in GED" menu item.
Pressing "run map in ged" in A7 WED causes WED crash, and GED can not open level correcly
if you copy ged.dll from A7 to A8 wed_plugins folder menu item will show, but it will have same result (WED crash)
Solution not found
tested on win10\11

7. SED "Run current script" dont use command line options from prefenences
Set "Use current script for run\publish" in Preferences-Environment and then use "Test run"

8. Sometimes mouse wheel in WED views dont change zoom, but it change camera X pos (at top view)
Problem can show if you have 2 monitors, and you use monitor that not in GXL->Advanced d3d->Divice setup->Display adapter (or not main monitor)

9. Sometimes selection rect in WED works not from mouse start position, but from top left view corner

10. "Compile EXE" don't use command line options from preferences and don't use Nexus size from level preferences
add to release "start.bat" with -nx option, or use Starter with command line options (for Pro edition)

Last edited by VoroneTZ; 02/03/24 20:55.