So I have one arm model that I created outside of MED. I imported that into MED, and copied->pasted it, then mirrored it. Then I imported my gun. I've assigned all of the vertices to both arms for bone animation, and attached the gun to the right arm.

My problem is, moving the right arm does move the gun, but the left arm, while holding the clip of the mp40, needs to move with it, but it's not attached. I tried stemming two new joints- one off of the gun and the other off of the arm holding the clip- and then merging them, but for some reason, nothing happens when I select Merge (and the joints very close together.. actually overlapping from all sides.

So basically, I have two objects with two bone sets. I would like to know how to extend (meaning create a new bone while a bone from the object is selected) a joint from one, extend a joint from the other, and then attach those two joints. Any ideas? Thanks very much

Last edited by mussashimits3; 04/16/06 13:49.