Originally Posted By: Blink
i think that all women have a lesbian inside of them. think about it...

1. they admire each other, way too much, and compliment each other all the time
2. they would rather be with each other than us
3. they procreate with us only because they have to, but if they had a choice they would do it with another woman
4. they create phallic toys to replace us, and prefer another woman to use strap on's on them
5. they can have a sexual relationship with another woman, stop it, and be with us and still be hot! i mean, c'mon, we couldnt pull that off!
6. so imho, the can be anytime they want, and probably have had a lesbian experience.

I'm feelin' ya. my girlfriend isn't really bi, but she is a little curious, and that just makes her that much hotter to me laugh plus she already said she wouldnt mind if a little fun with another girl spills in my direction as well.

Originally Posted By: sPlKe
i tend to say this when i dont want her to greet me again :p

thing is women are strange creatures... this reminds me of an ancient joke, but i think its hilarious...

a man stumbles across the desert after a plane crash. he is the sole survivor but he realizes that he will die here.
all of a sudden, he stumbles over a magic lamp, and a genie comes out.
he asks him if he has a wish, and the man responds:
"i want a highway from here to my hometown and a fast car that takes me there with a minibar inside it!"
the genie replies:
"dude, thats so complicated, its almost impossible. cant i do something else for you?"
the mans answers:
"well... hnm.. well, IF im going to die here, at least, just for once, i want to understand women!"
and the genie says:
"so... about that highway... four or eigth way?"

haha, just heard that joke the other day, only it was a highway from california to Hawaii and it was god giving the wish. still hilarious