Originally Posted By: Firoball
The project was a giant big mess. I think I had a spaghetti phobia for several months afterwards wink

hehe, reminds me of my monsters game XD

i had one of those geocity pages too, but i cant find it anymore. too bad, it was awesome... like errors page just with frames! yeah, i used frames XD

i dont have any more old screenshots. i dare not show some ballad of angels stuff since 95% of that stuff was made by turrican, so he is the one who should show them, not me.

i also made a few games back then and showed them on that website, but i cant remember the names. most of them never got finished. i rememebr finishing a freeware 5 stage ego shooter. it was a horrible game. really really horrible. but it had the newest technology back then. it already used a terrain (for a snowfield in stage 3 i guess) and password protected doors. it was, like so many games of mine, a game with code snippets from AUM thrown together.

good times...