Yes, to call that Samaritan is just some kind of exaggeration, some joke, irony. Actually he is a super forced bad guy who does not like the brutal police men, the women is just to show that police is even worse than this bad guy. It just illustrates this evil version of a possible future.

Anyway, it looks nice, similar to the Prey 2 trailer, while the latter is probably CG and Samaritan is realtime.

I am looking forward to real DX11 PC titles, but probably we will not see much. Crysis 2 as an example did not get a good budget for th PC port from EA. So they made a cheap DX9 version. Next week will be the release of a DX 11 update and a highres texture update, but this is told to be payed by NVidia. The graphic cards companies are currently the only ones interested in technically advanced games on a PC.

Models, Textures and Games from Dexsoft