
Sorry for not writing anything last days, iīve been kind of busy lately...

Coming back to the point discussed here, i must say i havenīt been able to make LinearRegSlope work properly in objective function. Something strange happen with this function as far as iīve tested.

I am using polyfit instead, but i think something is not working or maybe i am not getting the results i was expecting.

Letīs take this piece of code:

static int criteria = 6;
static int minTrade = 0;

var objective()
    if(NumWinTotal+NumLossTotal <= minTrade) {     
        return 0;
    else { 
            case 0: //PRR
                var wFactor = 1./sqrt(1.+NumWinTotal); 
                var lFactor = 1./sqrt(1.+NumLossTotal);
                var win = WinTotal, loss = LossTotal;
                if(NumWinTotal > 2) win -= (NumWinTotal-2)*WinMaxTotal/NumWinTotal;
                if(NumLossTotal > 2) loss -= (NumLossTotal-2)*LossMaxTotal/NumLossTotal;
                return (1.-wFactor)/(1.+lFactor)*(1.+win)/(1.+loss);
            case 1: //PF
                return WinTotal/max(1.,LossTotal);
            case 2: //WinRate
                return (var) NumWinTotal/max(1.,NumWinTotal+NumLossTotal);
            case 3: //CAR
                return WinTotal-LossTotal;
            case 4: //Calmar
                return (WinTotal-LossTotal)/max(1.,DrawDownMax);
            case 5: //Sharpe
                return ReturnMean/ReturnStdDev;
            case 6: //K-Ratio
                var coeff[2];
                LookBack = Bar-StartBar;
                return coeff[1]*R2;
                // LookBack = 0;
                // return LinearRegSlope(ResultsDaily, Day)*R2;

function run()
	BarPeriod = 4*60;
	LookBack = 500;
	StartDate = 2005;
	EndDate = 2015;

	vars Price = series(price());
	vars Filtered = series(BandPass(Price,optimize(30,20,40),0.5));
	vars Signal = series(FisherN(Filtered,500));
	var Threshold = optimize(1,0.5,1.5,0.1);

	Stop = optimize(4,2,10) * ATR(100);
	Trail = 4*ATR(100);

	else if(crossOver(Signal,Threshold))
	PlotWidth = 1024;
	PlotHeight1 = 400;

Optimizing this system with almost any criteria produces an annual return ranging from 80% to 100%. However with K-Ratio it barely achieves an 60%.

Not sure if K-Ratio isnīt as good as i thought or if iīve implemented it wrongly (most probably). The manual says something about polyfit having a cap of 1000 in TimePeriod parameter, so maybe here is the issue. I am also setting lookback to the whole number of bars in the simulation as this seems to work better.

This is everything iīve figured out. Any suggestion or advice will be welcomed.