This simple thing is driving my nuts.

I'm trying to get a single real-time price in a dummy Broker API with this BrokerAsset function.

Whenever I try to use std::stod to convert the result text to a price double, Visual Studio gives me a compiler error. If I comment the std:stod line and set price =0, it compiles fine. I'm not a C++ guy, just a hacker using the AllyVest source code as a template.

Thanks for any help.

DLLFUNC_C int BrokerAsset(char* Asset, double *pPrice, double *pSpread, double *pVolume, double *pPip, double *pPipCost, double *pLotAmount, double *pMarginCost, double *pRollLong, double *pRollShort)
		char url[50] = "";

		int id = http_send(url, 0, 0);
		int n = http_status(id);

		double price = 0, spread = 0;

		char output[50];
		http_result(id, output, n);   //get the price

		price = std::stod(output);
		http_free(id); //always clean up the id!

		if (!pPrice) return 1;

		if (pPrice) *pPrice = price;
		if (pSpread) *pSpread = spread;

		if (price > 0)	return 1;
		else return 0;

Creating library
....DebugActiveTick.lib and object
ActiveTick.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __CrtDbgReport referenced in function "void * __cdecl std::_Allocate_manually_vector_aligned<struct std::_Default_allocate_traits>(unsigned int)" (??$_Allocate_manually_vector_aligned@U_Default_allocate_traits@std@@@std@@YAPAXI@Z)
...DebugActiveTick.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
Done building project "ActiveTick.vcxproj" -- FAILED.