dataSave does not return anything so how to check for error condition?
dataSave (int Handle, string Filename, int Start, int Num)
Stores the dataset with the given Handle as a binary file. Num records are stored, beginning with the record Start. If both parameters are omitted or zero, the whole dataset is stored. 

I am seeing failures in dataSave where I assume data has been saved correctly but when I try to read the file I get Error 062.
Indeed, the T6 file is not been save in the directory; therefore the error. How do I check for unsuccessful save?

I have attached screenshot of Zorro dataSave error. Using Zorro 2.50.2 on 64 bit Windows 11.

Following is the code snippet

string T6FileName = strf("%s_%4i.t6",strxc(Name,'.',0),LastYear);
string TempName = strf("%s%s",TempFolder,T6FileName);
printf("\nSaved %s file to %s",Name,TempName);

int ReadRecords = dataLoad(TempHandle,TempName,7);
if(!ReadRecords) { printf("\nCan't open %s",TempName); return; }
printf("\nOpened file %s",TempName);

Attached Files
Zorro dataSave Error.png (16 downloads)
Last edited by HamzaAhmed; 09/16/22 14:35. Reason: Added detail