You can tinker for years, fiddle with countless indicators, use huge machine learning algorithms combined with COT report, vodoo, read coffee grounds, bone throwing and fortune telling, read 300 years of stock market literature, sink huge sums of money into super seminars.
None of this will yield lasting profit.
Maybe you'll be chasing the win for a short time.
However, the shovel sellers earn something.
From my experience, a trading system in smaller timeframes is a coin flip, which statistically should have a probability of 50%. The more coin flips, the closer you get to 50% - if there is still a relevant amount of money in your account by then, because a huge winning streak with $10 initial equity is also quite nice, but also a waste of time.
The bad news: This is probably true for larger timeframes as well, unless you have insider knowledge or unrealistic luck.
Therefore, a trading system can also follow purely randomly: open a position randomly and go randomly long or short.
It doesn't matter if all this nonsense is written in C++, mql5 or python.
Everyone writes their diary in their mother tongue.
Then do a backtest with it and you'll have an idea of what these systems mean
The good news would be that you can also make a profit with a 50% or less probability of winning. But no exorbitant profits. And with that, greed no longer has any food. That's more likely: the squirrel feeds itself laboriously.
The only thing I think is important is money management.