at first i have to say sorry for me spamming this forum with my thousands of problems relating to a6 (i was working with a5 all the time - mybe im a little bit conversative)

my problem is that im not a programmer and that im not going to learn c-script as well (because modelling and texturing levels and objects needs a lot of time!!) but i want to know how i could paint bumpmaps and apply them to my models. yes. i know how to apply simple materials (now ) and know how to paint greyscale relief maps - im no rookie in grafical topics but i want to know how this effects work in a6 and what type of effects i am able to use with my (old) ti 4200 . i tried several codes from acknex unlimited but everyone caused several blablaing-errors when starting a6 ... so it would be very nice if someone would help (and maybe send me a working code).

GRafiker bei Sechsta Sinn