Okay, this put me in the right direction!

I tried systematically eliminating entities from my main level until I would no longer get an error. I believe I have narrowed it down somewhat, though this didn't get the level to run. What I *did* notice after that that I was starting to get messages indicating a certain action/material wasn't found, so I added those back to my level script, along with some directory paths for at least one texture that wasn't being found. And I had to set max_entities to a higher level.

This allowed my level to load.

However, the template script I was using had me stuck in the middle of my level with no way to move (I don't have a player model--I want to use just cameras to move), so I edited the script to take out those player model references, as well as an erroneous camera script, and this allowed me to move around with the camera in my level.

A few problems remain, however. I still need to fix those entities that aren't loading, and now that my level loads, it seems that there are more entities missing than the ones I had previously narrowed down to (and some of them are simply TGA sprites that had been loaded into the level, which I wouldn't think should go missing at all). Also, movement is very slow, especially compared to preview mode, which is pretty fast. So I need to fix these somehow...

Here is my level script file:

// A6 "Walk Thru" Project wdl:
// Created by WED.

// The PATH keyword gives directories where template files can be found.
path "C:\\Program Files\\GStudio6\\template_6"; // Path to A6 templates directory
path "C:\\Program Files\\GStudio6\\template_6\\code"; // Path to A6 template code subdirectory
path "C:\\Program Files\\GStudio6\\template_6\\images"; // Path to A6 template image subdirectory
path "C:\\Program Files\\GStudio6\\template_6\\sounds"; // Path to A6 template sound subdirectory
path "C:\\Program Files\\GStudio6\\template_6\\models"; // Path to A6 template model subdirectory
path "C:\\Program Files\\GStudio6\\work"; // Path to work subdirectory
path "C:\\Program Files\\GStudio6\\work\\Exterior GL PIX\\Horizon Pix"; // Path to HPIX subdirectory
path "C:\\Program Files\\GStudio6\\work\\Exterior GL PIX\\Textures"; // Path to textures subdirectory

// Filename of the starting level.
string level_str = <GLMain.WMB>; // give file names in angular brackets

// Included files
include <gid01.wdl>; // global ids
include <display00.wdl>; // basic display settings
include <door01.wdl>;
include <nogouraud.wdl>;
include <sky01.wdl>;
include <tree1.wdl>;

// Desc: The main() function is started at game start
function main()
// set some common flags and variables
// freeze all entity functions
freeze_mode = 1;
// no level has been loaded yet...
gid01_level_state = gid01_level_not_loaded;

// entry: Warning Level (0,1, or 2)
// entry_help: Sets sensitivity to warnings (0 = none, 1 = some, 2 = all).
warn_level = 2; // announce bad texture sizes and bad wdl code

// entry: Starting Mouse Mode (0, 1, or 2)
mouse_mode = 0;

// wait 3 frames (for triple buffering) until it is flipped to the foreground

max_entities = 5000;

// now load the level

wait(2); // let level load
// level should be loaded at this point...
gid01_level_state = gid01_level_loaded;

//+++ load starting values

// un-freeze the game
freeze_mode = 0;

// save start of game here
wait(6); // allow time for functions that wait for "gid01_level_loaded" to load
file_delete("start0.SAV"); // remove any old savefile
if( game_save("start",0,SV_ALL) <= 0)
diag("\nWARNING! main - Cannot save 'start' of level (ignore on restarts).");
diag("\nWDL: main - Game 'start' saved.");

// main game loop
if(gid01_level_state != gid01_level_loaded)
freeze_mode = 1; // pause the game
while(gid01_level_state != gid01_level_loaded) { wait(1); }
freeze_mode = 0; // resume the game


// Desc: this is the function used to restart the game.
function main_restart_game()
// wait 3 frames (for triple buffering) until it is flipped to the foreground

// freeze the game
freeze_mode = 1;

if( game_load("start",0) <= 0)
diag("\nWARNING! main_restart_game - Cannot load 'start' of level.");
diag("\nWDL: main_restart_game - Game 'start' loaded");

// un-freeze the game
freeze_mode = 0;

// Desc: this is the function used to quit the game.
function main_quit()
//+++ // save global skills & strings

Any suggestions would definitely be appreciated, and I appreciate all the help I have gotten so far. My goal at this point is just to be able to load my level with all entities and a camera view that is acceptably fast so that I can concentrate on testing my automatic doors, etc, before moving on with finishing the level architecture...