This is really getting interesting... in unfortunately rather negative a way. Since I have no ideas left as of now, you should probably consider posting a quick reference to this thread on the "Bug Hunt" forum.

PS. I thought I should mention this: You seem to be one of the rather oldschool Acknex users around here I suppose so because you refer to WED loading objects (instead of Acknex - WED has nothing to do with the errors you're getting) and to "Preview Mode". No offense but this is a little outdated
"Preview Mode" is an ancient term for the mode A4 still had. However A6 doesn't really have anything of the like. What you're refering to is nowadays simply called the WED 3D View. I'm telling you because when calling it "WED 3D View", it becomes more obvious that this view has plain nothing to do with the Acknex Engine. Since you stated you were a little bit surprised that your level showed up in "Preview Mode" but didn't once you ran it, I have a feeling you might have confused that.

Formerly known as The Matrix - ICQ 170408644 I've been here for much longer than most people think. So where's my "Expert" status?