My opinion is about the same as Damocles's

The key points,are the following :

a ) in the "normal" range, there are certainly as many smart woman as men.

b )The probability to be a really great genius is higher for males

c ) less woman have interest in abstract mathematical sciences.

a) and b)
I had bridge ( the card game) lessons some years ago
The teacher, a woman, said
"Well boys do not expect too much from me, I am a woman "
Everybody laughed assuming she was joking, she was known as one of the best bridge players in my city
" I am speaking seriously " She said " A woman can be a very good player but a champion must be a man, it is a matter of fact"


The question is why ?

Well , an obvious answer is , because they are less capable
but I think there is an other explanation which is very much related with maternity

A woman feel the responsability for her children ( or future children ) much more than a man , for obvious reason
Cosequently women are more focused on "concrete" stuff , they are more "serious" than men
A men mantain somthing childish in a corner of his brain

I suppose it happens also to you

I have a regular job 8 - 10 hours a day, nevertheless I like to spend some hours a week programming games even though I dont get any benefit
Just for my interest

My sister shakes her head, she simply can not conceive that I can do something for "nothing"