Carleton "Carly" Fiorina CEO Hewlett Packard
Shelly Lazarus Chairman & CEO, Ogilvy & Mather
Meg Whitman President & CEO, eBay Technologies
Anne Mulcahy CEO XEROX
Patricia Russo CEO Lucent Technologies
Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany
Maggie Thatcher, Prime Minister, UK
etc etc etc etc etc

The subject of this forum says it all, 'attitudes', perception clouded by sexist stupidity. Why aren't there women CEO's in Afghanistan? Discrimination. Why aren't there more in the USA? We were not even allowed to VOTE in this country UNTIL 1920.

Here's a quote from Marilyn vos Savant, IQ 228, smartest person on the earth if you believe in IQ


Perhaps most convincing of all are these facts from other outposts in the animal kingdom:

•Female chimpanzees learn complex tasks as easily as males.
•Female gorillas can be taught sign language as well as males.
•Female guide dogs are as capable at their work as males.
•Female dolphins perform practical jokes as often as males.
•Female parrots are able to mime and talk as well as males.
•Female rats and mice run mazes just as efficiently as males.
Would you prefer to adopt a male puppy because you thought you could teach him more tricks? No, you know better. (And we don’t find more female moths in our light fixtures!) Why should anyone think that human females are an exception?!

PS Imagine that, not letting the smartest (tested IQ) person to vote. That's life in pre-suffrage America.