Next to the political and economical leader issue,

take real life examples.

I think it is just a question of interest in certain fields, why there is a more
male of female dominance.

Take this forum, or gamedevelopment as an example. Next to you (one of the very few exeptions)
and maybe some others, there are no females envolved in gamedesign.

I think this is simply because males have more interest in programming and creating games,
just for the purpose of making them. Very few developers actually earn money with it.
It is simply that males have certain interests that few woman share, and thus
dominate this field. And this is not caused by some discrimination, but simply the
phsycological nature of this gender.

Other fields are mostly dominated by woman nowerdays. For example the social sciences and
arts in our univerity.
Economical sciences have a 50% mix, and Math/Physics/Infomation technology/engeneering have
a male dominance.
This is not caused by discrimination, but by a difference in interests.

Or how often do you discuss macrophysics with your female friends?
Males do, at least some times.
On the other hand, males dont dicuss much about family issues,
at least not to the same extend.


They had a funny test on a TV show some times ago.
A person enters a Taxi (Cap) and the taxidriver talked about
some topics, like the car he bought (about the color, engine, interior) and
then talked about the son of his sister where he had a picture of him in the front.

After the trip, the persons where asked, whatever they remembered about the

Males remembered the car, its type, its horsepower, engine, interior (like leatherseats)
But did not remember the name of the kid, or how he looked like.

Most Females remembered only the color of the car, but not the type.
But most of them remembered the kids name, and how he looked like, and what sport he plays.

Males and Females simply process information differently, since they
have interest in different fields.